TRR LAKER 15' 5'' A (aka Barracuda) | Page 5 |

TRR LAKER 15' 5'' A (aka Barracuda)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Dang you dissapointed me , here all along I was thinking you would like the kayak and now you say is is a slow boat to China. Sitting here crying on my keyboard because you were not happy with it. :(

But one FAST Devil on the Texas Rivers. :D :D :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Chuck.
PS. We ever paddle together , I will leave my boat at home and just bring some water skies for you to tow me.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Ok here we go .
Speed is great it is the easiest paddling boat I have had the pleasure to paddle, glide is great and long ,The asymetrical and length made a tremendous difference in stability, she is lively and responsive but feels solid under you. tracking is excellent. I was bucking a head wind coming down , which with twist and turn of the river gave you a cross wind, zero weather cocking wind just didn't matter much at all.
Had a couple things I have to do, need to add a hatch in the rear, did not like the fact I couldn't have extra paddle and extra stuff with me, I am a little lower in the nose than I want to be. I placed the seat 19 inches behind the center line of the boat, that is not enough so I need to load her
a little more in the rear, she paddled fine but where you had a current coming in from the side it would push the nose sideways , so I need to trim her out a little more. Being asymetrical and wider in the rear she can handle more weight farther back.She is stable enough that I am going to try raising the seat a 1 1/2 for comfort. The 15 ft 5 inch length still turns well so I am happy with that.
Matt you better get this set up to sell ,I am telling you this is a winner
Easy paddling fast stable low wind signature turns tracks glides she does it all and in a really good looking package.
As she sits right now she is dead up beside the T-V as my favorite boat
and my T-V is the best I had ever been in up till now.
Well there is the report
She is as close to a 10 as I will ever get and is going to break a lot of plastic boat owners hearts.
Note I was using a touring blade paddle , a different paddle will speed things up a little more :lol:
Thats all folks


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Ron,

In the water I still caint come up with nuthin' but "sleek". Stylish hat really sets it off good. So.....what kinda boat will Catfish Charlie have ya buildin' next week? :wink: Purty sky 'n water pichurs too. Sondra done good. When iz that race? Mebbe we kin make a little extra pocket change since them racin' fellas dont know ya too good 'n if ya never raced before there iz some bets ta be placed with good odds?

I done a 26 miler once in jest over 4 hours. Far az I know I wuz the only one there who finished, went rite ta the pickup, lit up a cigarette 'n opened a cold beer.....(in a paper sack cuz it wuz at a Baptist College).

good work

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat. Theodore Roosevelt

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I was to slow for the Neches 25 they ran it yesterday, but there is one on the Trinity in October I am shooting at , and it will also let me get this boat tweaked out and myself in shape.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
If ya git ta likin' this racin' stuff, they got a big race jest up the river. There iz a heap a paddlers who come frum all over, some wear funny hats 'n costumes, some paddle things folks never paddled before, some jest laugh 'n enjoy meetin' new paddlers. I reckon ya mite bring a Texas group. I will set on the bank 'n drink beer til ya'll kin git off the charge. :lol: ... riverrace/


ps I mite have ta eat some Interstate Barbecue whilst I wait. Hard ta name anythin' that goes better with a cold beer. Too bad Mick caint come up over fer this one.

Excuse me for a moment, my B.S. detector is ringing. Anonymous


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Get some weight in the aft part , that will raise the nose a little so cross currents would not be a factor. As you said the rear is wider so it could take more gear or weight.

When I take a trip I load the boat (does not matter which one , canoe , kayak or pirogue) so it sits a little lower in the rear. Attach a line and shove it out , pull it sidewards to me and check the balance. If it is just right , jump in and take out , if not then move some stuff around , normally moving a water jug does the trick.

It sure makes for easier paddling and control. :D

I cheat with the kayak.. It has a compass on the mid part of the bow that is sealed in oil. I just check the angle of the free floating directional dial and it lets me know if things are right. Might call it a carpenters level and direction locater. Lets me know if I'm a bubble off , Dam ... I didn't say that ... did I. :lol:

By the way if your buddy was in a Coho that is one speedy kayak , I have one.
On the Econ , I was going up stream in the Coho to get to my camping spot , two guys where in two canoes with trolling motors they saw me and put the motors on high , I caught them , passed them without working up a sweat.
Later they stopped where I was and wanted to see that motor that I have in the kayak , I handed them the paddle.
They were some cool dudes , they handed the paddle back with a cold Heineken beer for the kayaks motor's enjoyment. Fun things happen on camping an paddling trips. :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Ron, when a current or wind pushes one end of a boat around, it may be because the opposite end is deeper int he water and acts as a pivot point. IE: you may be tail heavy instead of nose heavy?

A trick I use is to place a carpenter's level in the boat, wedge it to absolutely level position, then set one of those bulls eye levels into silastic. On the water, it will let me know trim at a glance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
A trick I use is to place a carpenter's level in the boat, wedge it to absolutely level position, then set one of those bulls eye levels into silastic. On the water, it will let me know trim at a glance.

It helps him hang his hammock , just places it along the center line and has it made in the shade.

He is the only camper I know that takes one with him to do that when in a campsite. Not saying he is fastidious or has to have everything just exactly right , you draw your own conclusions , like me have camped with him. :lol:

If you missed him using that carpenters level , don't feel bad , he is quick on ducking it. It is camouflaged as a tent peg , a really long one. :wink:

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx

This is the nose , you can tell when you see the ripple of the current,as soon as she hits it nose starts going with it , a little weight in the rear and some trimming will cure it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Dang, Ron, she sure is a looker. I am trying to justify building one, but it just won't work too well in the places I paddle. Too many stumps, trees
and cypress knees to get up close to the bank. Let's see........ if I can get close enough to shore, in maybe 3' of water, and use a pair of chest waders....................


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
OK, Ron. I was just thinking it through and was just prodding to make sure you are too.

Joey, they sell spring activated ejection seats, adjustable to balance weight and distance of cast. timed right, you can land on your feet, sometimes.

Done right, if you're approaching a fast tree, low hanging tree branch, you can catapult over it and come back down in your own boat. Miss only a stroke or three. Handy if there are cotton mouths hanging on htose branches.

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
How are you going to get out of that canoe.
Been giving this a bit of thought and how about a sliding door under the seat. Get close to shore, open the door, put your feet through the door and walk out of the water. A couple of shoulder straps to wear the boat.
Jeez guys do I have to think of everything for ya's!