For giggles and tickles a while back , also to use up some spare wood .....
I used some of the left over wood to make a cooler that would fit in the pirogues. Lets see.. Wood boat = wood paddle =wood cooler , why not. Still working on the wood anchor. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lined it with Styrofoam and then another piece of wood , all the wood was epoxy saturated and the seams epoxy filleted. Might say I made a sandwich out of it or a cooler inside of a cooler. Wood then Styrofoam then wood , all natural insulators.
The lid is a pressure fit so when it is placed on the box it fits nice and snug , the top has a piece of Styrofoam glued to it on the inside and to protect the Styrofoam , I coated it with epoxy and wood flour. That fits down between the inside walls of the sides which makes a well sealed and insulated box.
It works great for a two or three day trip for a solo paddler. It is rather small on the inside ( not industrial size , just recerational ) , I did not take into account for the one inch Styrofoam all the way around or the extra piece of 1/8th inch wood on the inside all the way around the sides and bottom.