Texas piroque | SouthernPaddler.com

Texas piroque

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I got a little done on boat and tried couple things different.
I went ahead and sliced the full sheets together before I started marking that worked alright.
I laid out and cut the two sides and bottom and the put a couple temporary braces on the back side so I could handle them better

better pic

Started drilling holes for zip ties

Well is raining so I am crunched up in garage again but is better than working
More later


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have to ask ... Why the holes for the zip ties? Just curious.

Could it be because I don't see any ribs in the picture?

Looks like I am in for an edicuation but I think I already know the answer. Everyone has a different way of doing it and since it works , then why change it.

Which leads me to this question , which pirogue are you making? Since it was never said.:wink: By the way that is one sharp looking kayak on the floor all covered in dust , do you ever paddle it.?
If you don't then I would be willing to give you $20.00 for it , just to get it off your hands.:roll:

OK... Enough harassment , I will behave , sort of ... but no one can ever have to many boats.



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
oldsparkey said:
By the way that is one sharp looking kayak on the floor all covered in dust , do you ever paddle it.?
If you don't then I would be willing to give you $20.00 for it , just to get it off your hands.

Careful there Chuck, I hear that boat has a removable seat that falls apart when you get it out of the boat. Maybe offer him $30. :wink: :lol: :lol:


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I am glad you mentioned them zip ties I tried every way in the world and just could not make them hold that dang boat together without drilling the holes can you make it work without the holes dang tell me how. What I like about this forum somebody always got an answer.
The peerow I am building came from HOT AIR Boats Plans are little vague but I am getting threw them. There are no ribs Its called an Eve peerow pretty good looking design broad in the rear sort of pointed in the front
That ole junky kayak is going to mold before it stops raining might have to paddle it down the street to the store before long.
Chuck That Eve peerow is one I trying to build from scratch so there be a lot of hot air between these ears but so good so far we will know more in couple days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Ya got me on that one........ No idea except to follow the directions. Where did you find them , I tried a Google search and all I found was hot air balloons.
I am thinking the Hot Air is coming from Texas and someone ( name withheld for safety's sake ) is setting me up .:lol: Sorry but everything you have given me comes back as a negative...... Fess Up.

All I can tell you is ............. With the Uncle Johns a person can have the sides together and when attaching the bottom then use straps , tape , weights or screws in the ribs and ends to hold the bottom in place when epoxying it to the side boards. Providing one of the railings are on the sides to reinforce them.

Now to take care of your problem ....... You better check with Matt , he likes to use the ties when doing a stitch and glue boat , he would be your best source of information , Not me.

HOT AIR BOATS .... Only a Texan would dream that up, Just ask my wife she says I am full of Hot Air.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I told you in the reply I was building this from between my ears so got to be a lot of hot air.
I drew plans for this one.
EVE I like that


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Like my wife tells me , if you don't tell me something a dozen times then it is a breath wasted.

Ron... Give it heck and make a good boat. The Hot Air Pirogue Company , I like that , shows a lot of imagination and fits right in here with us. :D

My hat's off to you partner and I'm sure you will have one great pirogue when it is done. Give'm heck , can't say Hell :oops: since this is a family forum.


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I got a little more done on the peerow
Heres shot of angle of rear of the boat

and a pic of the shape of the hull

Now the same shots of the front

hull shape in front


if you compare them you can see where its a whole lot wider in rear
swede form I hope.
The reason for the zip ties everything is loose so I can adjust sides to get the rocker I want on front and rear Hopefully 1inch to an
1 1/4 after I get all that like I want I will decide if I am going to do the tumblehome.


Well-Known Member
with that pirogue laying on the table upside down, just for the heck of it, stick a 30 inch long 2 x 4 under it in the middle or 4 inches off center to open it up to see what it will look like. I assuming the bottom is it the 24 inch range. later keith

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
made some progress today
I got the bottom glued flipped it over finished setting my rocker.

It came out pretty close to what i wanted front is 1 1/4
Rear is 1 1/2

The widest part on bottom is 28 1/2 inches top 36 1/2
that will change when I put on the tumblehomes
Got the inside fillets done

With side braces it would look pretty good right now
I am having a ball playing with this hull
more tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Geez Ron, dontcha sleep mate. :shock: :D

I just can't believe how quickly or how well that one is coming together for you. :D

Mate, what sort of timber is that you are using for the temp fraimes?

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
That is just a chip board they use here its cheapest thing I can get for stuff that has to be stiff and out of the weather it works pretty good.
On the boat I spend more time walking around it thinking what is going to affect the different things on it
Realy no plans for this I am just designing as I go along.
Hope you and Robin feeling better