I just found this site this morning and was dang near late going to work because of trying to read as much as posssible. I just this week recevied my plans for a Uncle Johns pirogue fo me and my two sons to build and we can't wait to get started. Last night we got 6 sheets of 1/4" BC exterior plywood and screws and with what we already have an hand we are ready to start cutting and scarfing the sides. My first question concerns the ribs and bottom width. I want to increase the bottom width 3" so the bottom width will be 28" instead of 25". As I understand the instructions I increase the bottm course of rib A by 3", make two B ribs each 3" longer and rib C 3" longer also for a total of 4 ribs is that correct. I hope this is not too basic of a question but hope to avoid as many mistakes as possible. Great site and I will probably be up late reading as much as possible. I hope to be an asset rather than a liability at some point