I did all my pirogues that way , lay the glass in the boat , do a trim on it and wet it in. Then what is up against the ribs ... I trim it after it sets for about an hour , sometimes less where the fillet is if that is already done. If not then I do the fillet over that trimmed section to make everything nice and smooth.
My preferred method in to fillet the ribs after the glass in down but the rest of the boat has the fillets done so the glass has a rounded surface to lay on. The glass is done in three sections or units and each section is the bottom and sides together as one unit.
My preferred method in to fillet the ribs after the glass in down but the rest of the boat has the fillets done so the glass has a rounded surface to lay on. The glass is done in three sections or units and each section is the bottom and sides together as one unit.