I did it! I got the fiber glass on. It was nearly as bad as I was expecting but it did take me a lot longer than I thought it would. It actually looks way better in person than it does in the pictures. It is still wet when I took the pictures.
Some things I learned as an amateur...
I VERY roughly cut the fabric to fit with the thought that I would apply epoxy all the way down to the rub rails then cut off the extra. Well, it only took me about 6" of trying to get that to work before I figured out that it wasn't going to work. I had to stop, get the scissors and cut it to reach just above the rub rails. MUCH easier now.
Mix in small batches. I was making the minimum I could using the pumps (about 3oz) and I thought I could double that. It really started getting a little thick. Spreadable but not wetting the glass. I also ended up using 1 plastic mixing cup for every 1 or 2 batches because I got some lumps. Have more mixing cups available than you think you'll need. I used every one I had.
One of those soft yellow plastic spreaders (I'm not sure of the actual name of them) that I got from Harbor Freight works great on the bottom. I just poured the epoxy on the bottom and spread it out with one of those. I tried the high density foam roller but didn't think that worked well at all. I had a hard time doing the sides with the spreader so I used chip brushes. I'm pretty sure I used a lot more epoxy on the sides than I should have but it was difficult spreading it thin using the chip brushes.
Go back around the sides after you're done and brush out the runs. I didn't think there would be as many runs as there were.
I used at least 6 chip brushes so make sure you have plenty on hand.
Don't leave the door to the workshop open at night while you're applying epoxy. Bug magnet!