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  1. D

    What have I've been up to since December?

    We were launching from a public park, nice to have a nice grassy area to launch from. The folks on the other side of the river have mucho more money than I hope to, they can afford those docks (at least I presume they can afford them). Thanx for the words. DM
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    Chassahowitzka, the springs. !Pic Intense!

    What Chuck meant to say is that I will be there from :!:Friday Nov 02:!: and leaving on :!:Sunday Nov 04:!:. Hopefully he will be there during the same time frame, hope to maybe meet some other forum locals also. Green Astro van with the kayak trailer with a Wadefish 2.0, one of the sites...
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    Pirogue almost done

    Varnish will darken it some, but adds depth and warmth. Some brands might be darker, some lighter. I always use PETTIT Z-spar 1015 Captains varnish. Heres a couple of photos that might give a comparison of no varnish verses varnish. This is a picture of my JEM Wadefish 2.0, I just finished...
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    What have I've been up to since December?

    I have been working on this off and on. It's fast. It is a JEM Watercraft Wadefish 2.0 This a picture from the initial launch a few weekends back. Been to busy with the 9-5 to get it out again, but I will and I will get more photos, and do some fishing from it. It's fast. Heres a link to...
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    Sun & Moon Rise & Set

    Sorry to disappoint ya Mike, but your GPSMAP 76 CSx is only telling you where the Men in Black want you to think you are :wink: DM
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    Chassahowitzka, the springs. !Pic Intense!

    Hey Mike; Is the ramp at the Chassahowitzka Rivers Edge Campground? We will be there the first weekend in Nov. The 2006 Florida Paddlers Gathering was held there last year, there is just way to much pretty water around that area for just two days. Nice report & pictures. Thanx..DM
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    Duck Works Magazine has sunk to a new low!!!

    AAAAARRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! My eyes, they burn, they burn! Just remember all us little folks now that your famous. DM
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    Hell Kitty

  9. D

    Hairies Laker

    Great looking boat Mick. I am in the same situation Mick, my Wadefish jumped ahead of a few other boats that are going to be built, one will be a stripper Guillemot Greenland Night Heron (Strips have been in the garage for 18 months already). On one of our camping trips, another camper had a...
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    Our First Little Trip

    What a way to start my day. Those pictures are great. Course, sporting stylish head gear like that, bearridge might get jealous. DM
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    Could be why they make bullet-proof vests out of it. Google kevlar shears to find cutting tools, expect to pay about $50 for 'em. May want to just go with an extra strip or 2 of 6oz cloth or a strip of dynel cloth, and then a graphite/epoxy coating on top of either of those options. DM
  12. D

    New Black Dog Completion

    Nice boat. So lets see, I have a brand new roof size blue tarp with the word FEMA printed all over it in large white letters, from a few years back. I wonder how that would look as a SOF kayak. DM
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    Fry Me a River

    How was that pickle? For those who didn't see the show, they take a packet of strawberry kool-aid and dump it in a jar full of dill pickles, after a while the pickles kinda have the color of pickled beets (maybe not such a deep red) and people eat 'em. The look of a strawberry pickle just...
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    Bald Cypress Fleet

    Re: bcf I always leave a little bit of my DNA entombed in my boats. Always seems like I am scraping my knuckles up or getting cut while I am working on them. So, just make sure I leave a little smudge of my blood on it in a place that will get coated with epoxy. The boat is a beaut. DM
  15. D

    ding, ding, ding went the trolley!

    I have made some "quickie" paddle leashes and boat tethers with the following: Get some of the velcro cable ties, you will need two, (I got mine from Home Depot) and a one inch webbing tri-ring. The cable ties are 8" long, hook on one side, loop on the other side, so the will stick to...
  16. D

    Which boat, LONG and lots of pics....

    Heres a picture from a build over on Matt's site, and a link to the build log. Plenty big. DM
  17. D

    Flagler Beach Fishing (Florida East coast). WOW! Thats a big'en. DM
  18. D

    Fishing Kayak questions.

    Hi my name is Mike and I am a kayakaholic.:lol: DM
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    onlay designs question

    I use Heavy Silky Paper (synthetic rice paper), it is the same stuff used for the artwork on surfboards. I found one art supply store in my area that carries it, or you can get it on-line at Get the heavy stuff. I airbrushed this one on...
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    Mijiienmungshing 07....

    Bear; Your purse is supposed to match your shoes, not your hat. :lol: DM (4 sisters, that's how I know.)