Danged if Alton didnt come up the Great River Road ta my hometown. Before he left Greenville, he stopped by Doe's Eat Place.
http://www.doeseatplace.com/ oldyaker, Doe iz Dominic....Italian fer sho. The steaks caint be beat....no where, but hiz hot tamales make ya wanna slap ya Momma.
I ate at both, but it haz been 10 years since the democrats took over. Ya gotta hire a fella ta watch yer wheels nowadays.
After they left Greenville, they drove up ta Joe Pope's White Front Cafe in Rosedale.
http://www.tamaletrail.com/in_memoriam.shtml Joe died in 2004. Hiz sister, Barbara, come back frum Chicago 'n he give her hiz hot tamale recipe az he lay dyin'. Hiz cafe iz on the hot tamale trail. I been eatin' hiz tamales fer 40 years.
I'm typin' while Alton iz talkin' ta a woman in Helena, Arkansaw. I'm bettin' he iz headed fer Brinkley 'n that barbecue cafe jest off I-40. This iz on the edge of the area where Gene discovered of the Ivory Bill Woodpecker which folks figgered went like the Do Do. Gene spotted one near Brinkley 'n set the ornithological world on end.
Mebbe Alton aint headed that way.....lemme git back ta the show. Opps....they turnt back ta Memphis. I still got my money on Interstate Barbecue. Well.....I am thru....he missed Memphis....headed north.
ps Opps...I wuz typin'. They are still in Memphis. Who knows where they are headed next.
Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. Daniel Webster