Pirogue almost done | SouthernPaddler.com

Pirogue almost done


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
My boat is almost done. I just have to finish up some sanding and paint/varnish. Now when I began this project I just figured I would paint the whole thing so I paid little attention to the fillets and little details. Now that it is almost done I am seeing where it isn't alll that bad and I might like to varnish some of the boat.
My question is about the varnish. Does varnish really come in darker shades. I didn't do any staining before glassing but I prefer the darker look. Is it too late? I would also like to know how hard is it to remove the varnish if it starts to look too bad and I revert to paint.

I might just have to paint this one and save the details and varnish for my next boat which I think will be the Freedom15.
...or maybe the Buccaneer X-tra wide.
...or maybe the North Wind.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
Varnish will darken it some, but adds depth and warmth. Some brands might be darker, some lighter. I always use PETTIT Z-spar 1015 Captains varnish. Heres a couple of photos that might give a comparison of no varnish verses varnish.

This is a picture of my JEM Wadefish 2.0, I just finished. The first photo is glass and epoxy sanded.

This photo is after 5 coats of varnish.

Just another look, after 5 coats of varnish.

I image to paint over varnish, it would just require sanding the varnish away. Not much to that.

Can never remember, its either "paint wont stick to varnish" or "varnish wont stick to paint". I am sure somebody else knows that one for sure. I have never painted a boat yet.

Hope it helps.



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL

Nothing quite like finishing that first one, but around here, it's "normal" to start thinking about the next one at anytime, first one finished, or not!

I might be able to help you with deciding what to build next. I'm starting a Freedom 15 build, as soon as the weather will let me haul the plywood in. (Plans got here, today.)

I'd been wanting to build a version of Southwind, yet to be released. But the 15', 30" wide version is still on the drawing board. So, Freedom gets built first.

You'll be able to try paddling a Freedom before deciding what to build! And if you don't start building right away, you might be able to do a side-by-side paddling comparison of both the Freedom 15 and the Southwind 15-30. :mrgreen:

The down side is, I very much doubt I'll be able to make that up-coming Ozello trip we talked about. Not only do I have a boat to build, but after a two-year delay, the Fed. govt. decided to wake up and now I've a bunch of stuff to do in order to finally get "processed in" on a Disaster Medical Assistance Team. (DMAT)

That's something I really want to do, but their timing is lousy! Once in, it won't actually take up any of my "off-time," just getting started is a pain.

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL