Wood Butchers | SouthernPaddler.com

Wood Butchers


Well-Known Member
There's a thread over on Chuck's favorite website (which shall not be named) with a bunch of folks debating buying vs building.

Some of the arguments from those who are against building are just silly. One guy says he spend $300 extra on gloves, acetone, paint brushes, rollers, etc.

Man I wish I could have sold him some stuff!!

I wanted to jump in the middle of that argument but it wasn't worth it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Trying to explaining things to idiots is nothing more then a effort in wasted typing or talking about like trying to swim up a water fall.

Give them time and the silly excuses will go away when they finally get the self confidence to try building a boat on there own and seeing the savings for a better boat then they could ever think of purchasing. I like to say they are a large group on MORONS.

That is one reason I dislike that web site ( Among several other reasons) not even saying they are a bunch of idiots. I never have had to point that out , they do a GRAND job of it on there own without my pointing it out.



Well-Known Member
There's a few good posters over there. But many of them just read and regurgitate what they've read posted by others in other threads.

Those are the type that thrive on nit-picking and having an opposite opinion no matter the topic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I'm trying to figure out why Matt placed it here in the serious section , ( Guess it is because I don't have a moron section on here ) those morons are anything but serious about anything except for causing trouble and asking really stupid things like which part of the boat goes in the water 1st. Is the open side up or down , when paddling which part of the paddle goes in your hand.???????

If your blood pressure is ever really low , just click on them and in a few minutes it will be in the bursting capillaries area. :lol:

If anyone wanted to give the world wide web an enema it would be inserted at there web site. :D They are there for one reason and only one reason , to sell things and have you think they are the best in the world , which they might be but NEVER say ... Wood Boat , or building your own.

That will make you lower then the slime on a snails belly every time and direct all the nasty comments in your direction. Plastic is there thoughts and wood boat builders are Wood Butchers ... anyway that is what they called Jack , Andy and Myself , even after they asked us for a article about building wood boats to post on there web site.

It's a long story and trust me ..... You can't trust them. If I would of saved some of the e-mail between them ( the owners and staff , NOT there members) and us to share with you ... you would feel the same way. I have never before then or after then had e-mail that was so degrading to a persons thoughts and they asked us to do the article. :twisted:

One thing you can thank them for...... You enjoy it everyday and even the boats you make is a result from there nasty reactions to Jack , Andy and myself.....

Southernpaddler was created because of there actions and us getting pissed off at them and there lop sided thoughts. We figured there needed to be a web site that has the truth in it to help folks build wood boats for there enjoyment and savings over purchasing a plastic boat. Offer some help , suggestions and let the person decide what they want.

PS... The truth takes a nose dive at times on here but a good question is answered with a lot of good information .... most of the time. :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
I give up.

Hi, first post on this forum for me but I have been browsing here and the Jem watercraft site a lot whilst doing my first build.

Would love to know what site your all talking about but I cannot find it, could someone pm me a link please.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
... The truth takes a nose dive at times on here but a good question is answered with a lot of good information .... most of the time.
I BEG YOUR PARDON!! What do you mean by desecrating our veracity??!! We are always truthful. Why, just the other day, I was telling Paul Bunyan about how we ....

And both Cap'n Meriwether and Red Ryder asked about ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

I have had very little to do with this mob but I can read between the lines over there. Some of the claims being made in that thread are just absurd.

Dan from West Coast Padler has even posted his thoughts on the thread. I consider him a Master in the art of boat building and he is a thorough gentleman to boot. Some of the posts seem to completely miss the point or even the question asked by the original poster which was whether or not he should consider building his own boat.

I don't think I will bother with them much, but it is real hard to remain polite there in the face of the snide and derogatory comments being made. Facts and truth seem to have little import there.

Will be watching the thread to see where it goes from here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

It looks like we are becoming an advertising web site for those morons. :twisted:

Since everyone is so interested ...... I will do something I said I would.... NEVER DO ............ But in all fairness it is the only thing I can do and since I did it there is no one to cuss out but myself for doing it.

I'll really hate myself for this but we are here to share information and it looks like that information has been one sided ( something they would do and love to do ) so to give the Morons equal representation and to keep our information sharing the way it is suppose to be. Not sinking to there lower levels of decidement , lying and demoralisation :D

I will post there web site but not as a click on ... Anything more would be asking ......WAY TO MUCH FROM ME.....you will have to enter it for yourself.

DISCLAIMER... If you decide to add it on southernpaddler as a click on .. do so at your own risk and believe me there is a lot of risk in doing such a stupid thing.

The web site in question , curiosity and not mentioned for those Morons is...........in the interest of us sharing information and only in the interest of sharing information and in this case .....BAD Information ....is..............

:twisted: paddler.net :twisted: There I actually did it....... :shock:

If you sign on with them , live life on the edge , make sure you tell them you build wood boats. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2007
Ozark Mo.
That long enough Chuck you can delete them now. It's making my screen flash red and making a funny groaning sound.