I have no Truck (Hate) with anyone till they screw me then it is plain old fashion war and those idiots screwed me and a couple of my friends ....That no one does without this southerner going to war especially when they do it on the world wide web , shame on them.
I found out a long time ago in a far away land .. all of us when wounded bleed ....
RED ..and have the same body and parts , just the outside is different shades. The thinking area is what determines the difference if you let it , or they do.
Everyone is entitled to there way of life , I might not like it , as they might not like mine but we can hit a happy medium and live in piece when together , just a matter of respect , nothing more , nothing less. Take that respect and cooperation and reverse it to make myself and my friends to look like fools then it is .... gloves off and we go to fist-a-cuffs either in person on on the web.
My fight with them is strictly mine alone
( a few friends they shafted are in there at there choosing) but the ideas about them on here are mine and mine alone. Anyone else can decide for themselves , we are adults , after all.
Actually I need to thank them because without they messing with us we would not be here .... so some good came out of what they did not know or figure out would happen.
The only hatred I have , it's not against anyone , there thoughts on life or the rest , the thing I can't stand is deceit , lying , playing someone for the fool and most of all ... stupidity.
Everyone is an individual with there own thoughts and as long as they treat me the way I would treat them ... everything is fine ... crap on me and it will be returned 10 fold.
Or in this case a web site where information and thoughts can be shared freely weather it is about a wood boat or some questions about a plastic boat.
I'm sure they have a lot of good folks on there web site and I wish them the best of luck ...... After all several of us were on there till they shafted us and I'm sure they will continue to do the same to others.
Heck.. Some of us even paddle and camp with Attorneys and government employees , active and retired , I ask you .. How much lower can a person go then that.
We are an equal opportunity camping and paddling website and even believe in helping the handicapped
( the fore mentioned group for paddling and camping ) . :lol: