Who Said It............Sad but True. | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Who Said It............Sad but True.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
Deep East Texas
But if those people had read the way McCain had voted he didn't always side with Bush. At any rate the reason the statement got my ire up was because there were actually democrats here walking with signs telling people that Bush was trying to get reelected, and there was NO dissuading them with the truth.

I'm with you Jack


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
GoodOlBoy said:
<SNIP> telling people that Bush was trying to get reelected, and there was NO dissuading them with the truth.
"My mind's made up! Don't try to confuse me with facts!"

I'm not excusing them, but unfortunately, part of the human condition is that - we all can fall heir to that at one time or another. The best do it more seldomer than others.


Well-Known Member
I think your president was elected in no small part, because of a very slick marketing marketing campaign. His race also played a very big part, in that many punters would have voted for him on that basis alone.

The fact that the dimocrats had no policies (still don't in my opinion) but run around in circles waiving their hands in the air and stumbling from crisis to crisis is very typical of the old English sitcom "Yes Minister".

Re Islamic ( Sharia) Law. I thinkthat is the goal of every muslim everywhere. The current obsession with political correctness is just the start of the breaking down of the long standing values that made the U.S.A. so great and so powerful in the first place.

I don't know what the future holds for your country - or for mine for that matter, but I am very glad that I probably won't live long enough to see my worst fears realized. I am saddened that my children probably will.

Right now, i just want to spear both your leader and our own in their respective thighs.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
Deep East Texas
hairymick, I would like to point out that he ain't my president.... I still don't believe it is even legal for him to BE president.... I didn't vote for Clinton, he was still my President, I voted for Bush, he was certainly my President. This current..... bugger ain't and never will be my president. So far as I am concerned he is a pretender sitting in the big chair waiting for the boss to arrive....

Just saying, oh and the thread is STILL funny. :mrgreen:
