G'day guys,
I would like to share with you a little piccie sequence that Miss Robin was kind enough to take for me today.
Let me say at the outset, that I am middle aged, only of average strength but relatively fit and this is in no way intended to sound like I am boasting of my prowess. I know that I am only average - at best.
It is merely to illustrate a point that timber boats can be built stronger, lighter, and prettier than either fibreglass or plastic. i would go so far as to say they can be built to compete with the multi - thousand dollar, kevlar jobs at a fraction of the cost.
This boat was built using 4mm gaboon (okuome?) ply, about 7 ounce cloth outside and 3.23 oz cloth inside and West Systems Resin. No particular effort was made to make her light. Emphasis on this one was strength. I built her to run isolated rivers and bounce over rock and gravel bars. Not real sure of the total weight now. I have added a permanent seat. Best guesstimate is around 45 pounds. I am confident that this boat could be built sub 40 without too much fuss.
I bloody LOVE this boat
So does Mis Robin. I didn't think she was going to bring it back. :lol:
I would like to share with you a little piccie sequence that Miss Robin was kind enough to take for me today.
Let me say at the outset, that I am middle aged, only of average strength but relatively fit and this is in no way intended to sound like I am boasting of my prowess. I know that I am only average - at best.
It is merely to illustrate a point that timber boats can be built stronger, lighter, and prettier than either fibreglass or plastic. i would go so far as to say they can be built to compete with the multi - thousand dollar, kevlar jobs at a fraction of the cost.
This boat was built using 4mm gaboon (okuome?) ply, about 7 ounce cloth outside and 3.23 oz cloth inside and West Systems Resin. No particular effort was made to make her light. Emphasis on this one was strength. I built her to run isolated rivers and bounce over rock and gravel bars. Not real sure of the total weight now. I have added a permanent seat. Best guesstimate is around 45 pounds. I am confident that this boat could be built sub 40 without too much fuss.
I bloody LOVE this boat
So does Mis Robin. I didn't think she was going to bring it back. :lol: