The edges of the fiberglass on the keel were sanded first thing this morning. the ragged edges were not easy, I should have used the masking tape technique to make a smoother straight edge.
I’ll do that technique on the two cloth panels today.
This shows the masking tape edge where the seam of the fiberglass will be.The cloth is laid over part of the masking tape.
Then when the cloth is wet out also wet out the cloth that overlaps the tape. In these two pictures the cloth is wet out.
When the epoxy is still green, not sticky,usually about 5 hours, use a sharp utility knife and score the fiberglass right at the edge of the masking tape.
Then carefully pull the tape and fiberglass up and the result is a clean straight edge.
I like this method where a seam will be visible on a bright finished boat. The seam will disappear in short order with a scraper and a pass with an 80 grit sanding stick. the next fill coat covers it.
The next side is glassed and curing, the only problem is tape will need to be scored and removed about 11 PM! Guess I’d better set an alarm

More tomorrow,