something different | Page 8 |

something different

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Seedtick, I'm trying to figure out the construction here. The jouge, that's the horizontal crosspiece? Does it have slots cut in it, and they fit down over those two vertical pieces rising up from the gunnels? And then, a fellow stands to row that? Looking forwards?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
The joug is the entire rowing assembly that sits on top of the gunnels or top rails.

The sides of the joug are nailed, glued and lag screwed into the top rails.

We embed a 1/2" bolt vertically into the top of the sides of the joug, with the threads up

The horizontal board has two holes and it is bolted down to the joug sides - the little pieces of wood on top of the horizontal piece are kind of sacrifical as they take the stresses of tightening the nut and are easily replaced as needed.

The blocks on the end of the horizontal board are 2" X 4" X 9" and are for the oarlock assembly

Yes you do stand up and face forward when you row - us cajuns are more interested in seeing where we're going instead of seeing where we've been


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend seedtick,

I dont like a high gloss on wood 'er on pichurs. I hope ya'll dont put too much gloss on that fine lookin' wood. Haz the fella ya'll been makin' that one fer seen it yet? Does he want ya'll ta keep puttin' a shine on it?

Once upon a time someone give us a table job fer Christmas. No....that aint like a lap dance. They paid a wood workin' fella ta strip thru all the paint on this ole oak kitchen table....a round one. Back in the Depressin' Days (no....not these depressin' days.....back when Frank Roosevelt tried ta make us communists) wehn folks caint buy a new table, they jest put a coat of paint (different color) 'n pretended they had a new table. Fella who striped it down ('n fixed some stuff underneath) sez it had 10-15 coats of different colored paint on it. It come out lookin' great....bare wood.

They give me a jar of stain 'n tole me go eazy til I got it like I wanted it. I rubbed that table like it wuz a fine that grain ta jump rite out. They also give me some shine ta put on it. I put some on 'n it shined up good. After some more shine I put some tung oil on it. By the time I got thru that table shined like a spotlight. It looked too danged purty fer the kitchen. We never used it much after that.

In the ole days 4-5 of us set round that table in the wee hours, drinkin' dago rad, cookin', settin' a hot pot rite down on the table, proppin' yer feet up on it, yada, yada. It wuz fun. Not a Beowulf table (cuz it wuz round), but it come mitey dang close. I feel that if ya put too much shine on any wood, ya mite az well buy Royalex. [chuckle]


ps I reckon ya gotta put somethin' on yer wood so it wont rot......but if that sinker cypress didnt rot on the bottom of the swamp, how come it caint last without any "shine"? Okay......with jest a little bit of goo ta keep the seep water out? I sound like a boat hugger.....well, a wood boat hugger. [grin]

Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are make stupid by education.  Bertrand Russell


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Iz it too late fer close up pichurs of some of the best grain, one after ever coat? I run the Southern Test Facility in my spare time. We got a motto that jest sez itself....bout how science iz best. If I recall what it iz, I will post it on here 'er the high technikle science section. Wait....we dont have a science section do we? Well, mebbe in the Geezer Cafe 'er the Way Too Serious Boat section?

Good thing we dont have a boat science section. [chuckle]

bodine science club


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA

i'll email you some as we go along or you can ease on down this way for a couple of days and we'll let you put on a coat or two

kind of like tom sawyer and the whitewash fence :D :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
We got a few coats of varnish on the outside, but we got a bit sidetracked - imagine that- been logging and sawing logs and , oh, we had to stop and build one of these for a friend in need



what you been working on?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Looks like a replica of the original Uncle "John" seat. I also got side tracked from my project by some fishing trips.



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
OBX North Carolina
Now that does give a new meaning to boat builders and fishermen being full of it. :lol: But not to be outdone, howabout a boat shot of those one hour a day of work pertaining to one of those many coats of varnish.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
If your friend does not like it you can post a sign out at the highway inviting folks to visit your shop and advertise .... Restroom Facilities. :lol:

Nice job seedtick , something a person can enjoy the craftsmanship of every day and twice on the weekends after the big party on Saturday night.



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
varnishing has been so slow that we decided to bring in a couple of painters from the Houston area

here they are demonstrating their famous roll and tip technique
