When your pirogue is done then if you would do me one small favor. Yep here it comes , crab your wallet and run for the hills. :lol:
Take some pictures ( If you can :roll: ) and sent them to the kit/plans maker in this case Uncle John. This way besides having your hand made , custom boat , on here it would be on his web site also.
This does several things , helps him , helps us and gives you all sorts of bragging rights which you deserve.
Someone asks , did you make that...... Yep , I sure did and here are the web sites (Plural not singular) where the boat is listed and one on how it was made.
I believe that when a person makes a boat then they need to give credit to the designer , that is why all of the ones I made are on Uncle Johns or Matt's , JEM Watercraft web sites. I am more then happy with them and if that lets someone else want to make one and be just as happy , why not spread the word.
What we are doing is to good to remain silent about , the pleasure is there , the fun when the boat is done and then all the good times enjoying it. Everyone always talks about the negative ....... NOT US. I think it is up to us to let the world know , if we don't then who will....... NO ONE. :twisted:
OK.. I will get off my soap box and go over and sit in the corner , do I have to wear that pointy hat?
PS. Besides the next time John and Bab's are over here in central Florida he owes me a BBQ dinner , I paid for the last one.

But what do friends do for friends but have good times while we can. Now if we can just get Matt out of SC and on a river trip with this bunch of
MISFITS on southernpaddler :? Yep someone called us by our real name when talking to a person.....
I like it. sort of sums it up in a nice ball and thinking about it he is one of us. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Misfits make better boats..... right (name withheld to protect all of us)