Raised Beds | Page 10 | SouthernPaddler.com

Raised Beds

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I've had squash and pumpkin vines wrap around other plants, and start to strangle them. So, Bob, don't be standing around lackadaisically out there. You may get hauled underground in a reverse of Jack And The Beanstalk.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Bob, are you feeding an army over there in Texas? That's going to be a heap of veggies when they start bearing. That's about 2 lifetimes of butternut squash........not a squash guy,.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I feed six on a semi regular basis. On the butternut squash you usually get a bloom at the base of each leaf which turns into a squash. The problem is that it doesn't always turn into a squash. When a squash does start growing most of them shrivel and don't make it. I wish I knew what to do to get more squash. These hard shelled squash store for a long time. If all the little squash made it you would be right. Two Lifetimes of squash.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I water every day to every other day. I water the root area (until it starts dying) then water down the length of each vine. At each leaf a root will go into the ground so they get watered too. It looks strange for the roots to be dead and a green squash vine going across the yard without any visible means of life support.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Thanks anyway Chuck.
Please don'tscare off my armadillo. I have a big fat one that hangs around this area. He will come around now and then and eat the grubs out of my lawn. He is my Friend. And if times gets hard I may have to eat him. I do not remember eating possum but my Dad told me that I had when I was very little. I remember my Grandfather seemed to always have a possum in a large wire cage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
You have a Armadillo digging for grubs in your lawn , I have a family of Racoons doing the same in my back yard. It looks like they have been having some bombing practice out there, holes everywhere.
They are not just digging a small hole , "O" No , they are digging about 6 inches deep and three inches across.
The Coons are digging holes faster then the wife can go to Lowe's , get top soil and fill the holes they dig every night. I tell her to just forget them and when we get a couple of good rains they will fill in. :roll:

If she keeps complaining ..........
I might end up trapping or shooting a few of them and making some Coon Burgers in the near future , the Coons are fat suckers so they should make some good burgers if I run them threw my meat grinder one time. Just bone them out and run the meat threw the course grinder with a soda cracker and a little pork fat tossed in now and then.
Made some Coon burgers a long time ago and they were pretty good , also did some soft shell turtle which was excellent. :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Last week I picked my Christmas peppers and two Tabasco Pepper plants and had just enough for a large jug of pepper sauce. Put some salt in with several large cloves of garlic, then poured hot vinegar over them. Will let it soak for a good while before using it. We have had a few nights in the upper 20's and the sugar snap peas, and collards are doing great. I must have gotten some bad sugar snap seeds as I planted another 50 to 75 out of a different batch and not one came up. Mustard greens bolted a couple of weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Kayak Jack said:
Bob, maybe they still had some seed from last year? Mine grew more than I'd planned on. The rabbits got fatter than 40 pound robins on them.
Instead of eating sugar snap peas maybe you need to be making up a batch of Hasenfeffer.