Raised Beds | Page 13 | SouthernPaddler.com

Raised Beds


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2013
In case anyone is interested in raised beds out of wood, I saw this at a store this weekend. Also saw a rocker made out of "plastic wood". It was comfy, but not THAT comfy . raised bed.jpg High dollar rocker.jpg

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Nice looking joint on that bed corner. My garden has lawn along one side, and blacktop driveway on the other. Tomatoes are a foot high now, but the dill isn't sprouting yet. Needs water, I suppose. Now, I gotta go buy an irrigation truck. I suppose a 2 1/2 ton rig oughta do?

Nothing's too good for those 12 tomato plants.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That chair you posted a picture of , interesting thought.

Folks make the beds out of wood and they end up eventually rotting. Why not make the beds out of the fake wood ( plastic ) boards they use in decking ????

I'm familiar with above ground seedbeds from when I was growing up.......Dad made a couple beds to root cuttings in from the bushes we had in the field .

The beds had a lower wood framing but the top was corrugated asbestos sheets ( 4 x 8 ) overlapping the top framing so none of the excess water draining would hit the wood. The sides were strips of the asbestos 1/4 inch thick and 5 inches high by about 8 feet long on the sides and about 4 feet on the ends. They were set in from the sides and ends about 1/2 inch. They were placed so they sat on the top of each raised part of the base sheet leaving a small gap with each lower portion to drain. The bed (Box ) was filled with a peat and vermiculite mix.

Over the cuttings was a single 1 inch pipe the length of the beds with mist nozzles every 2 feet. The watering system was set up on a timer.

He had a 15 acre plant nursery. Several of the shrubs we grew were from cuttings. Put the cutting in the beds , later remove them and plant them in the field , let them grow and later dig them up and transplant them where the customer wanted them.

This was back in the middle 50's and a person could get asbestos of any size and shape freely from any building supply place.