rain and shine at grays creek | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

rain and shine at grays creek


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
I don't recall pulling any nails, but do remember giving piper some encouraging words. "Man, I'm glad I didn't step on that nail." or "Walk it off, piper, you needed a little iron in your sytem anyway." or "Does this mean that supper will be late?!" Gotta encourage a buddy, ya know. :roll:



Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
Grays Creek---- Is that the Amite tributary, with a USGS gauge where hwy 16 crosses the creek? Looks a bit busy on the maps, but I guess you all found enough solitude.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
That's the place, ez. Really only about 1/4 mile from civilization but enough room to shoot .22's and .32's, and feel like you're away from the rat race.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
jdupre' said:
I don't recall pulling any nails, but do remember giving piper some encouraging words. "Man, I'm glad I didn't step on that nail." or "Walk it off, piper, you needed a little iron in your system anyway." or "Does this mean that supper will be late?!" Gotta encourage a buddy, ya know. :roll:
Joey - You're a stitch! Piper San doesn't deserve a friend like you. (Hmm, that could be figured a couple of ways, ehh?) :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
dang piper that makes me hurt just reading it. :( i thought thats what a partner was for to watch out for ya. :?: :shock: :lol: yea i got one thru my shoe when i was a youg boy it aint no fun. it came all the way thru on me i was wearing tennis shoes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Great post. :)
All the rain pictures remind me why I don't like to camp. All the others remind me why I liked it so much.
Looks like you had a little more water in the creek this trip? Did it come up much after the rain?



Well-Known Member
BK, when we put in the water was higher than we have ever seen it. By tuesday noon it was down some and when we paddled out i estimate it was down a good 2 1/2 Feet. I think the rain makes little difference there, and wind someplace else, maybe holding back the nearby river is a bigger factor. We have seen both extremes at that place. One where your pirogue is tied in the trees and the other where you drag it out 40-feet through bottomless muck to get near the water. I'll take high water anytime. piper


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Wind and the rainfall effect the area. The wind changed to the north and blew out more water than the rain sent down.
Without the rain you probably would have been mucking around in mud again. Without the north wind you could have had a flooded campsite.



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Discovered a new multi-tasking piece of gear......... the Swamper's rear hatch cover. It makes a dandy tray to eat off of in camp. I've also used it to clean fish.

By the way, I bought a new 10" Dutch oven. It's all seasoned and ready to help with the cooking chores on the next camping trip. Fits just right inside the Swamper's rear compartment.



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Katy, TX
islandpiper said:
On a more serious note, i stepped down on a chunk of scrap that some idiot left in the woods, a chunk of plywood with a 16 penny nail sticking UP through it. The nail went through my shoe and well into my foot. It came out when Joey stepped on the plywood and i was then able to jerk my foot up off of it.
Piper - first of all, let me say that I hope your foot is feeling better.

When I read this passage, I had a slight sense of deja vu, but not quite. Perhaps it was just a glitch in the matrix. I started shaking the cob webs out of the back of my head. Thinking about the time I paddled out on Grey's Creek a year ago and had to make a semi-emergency exit to take care of my wife.

I seem to recall the three of us finding a scrap piece of plywood with a 16 penny nail in it. I also recall putting it to better use. Am I crazy, or did we hammer it into the top of a chopped up tree stump and use it as a little table?

Wasn't it this stump? (not Joey, the thing next to him :wink: )

What kind of weird Karma-thing is going on here? Did we also use it as a camera stand?

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
rpecot said:
I seem to recall the three of us finding a scrap piece of plywood with a 16 penny nail in it. I also recall putting it to better use. Am I crazy, or did we hammer it into the top of a chopped up tree stump and use it as a little table? Wasn't it this stump? (not Joey, the thing next to him :wink: )
<SNIP>The little chopped up tree stump is on the left. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Yes, Russell, correct on all counts. You are right. That was the plywood. For some reason, known only to some simple minded A$$hoLe trespasser, that ply was ripped off the tree stump they mangled the preceeding year with what was probably a three dollar chinese hand axe, causing the death of the tree. I'd be pretty sure they are the ones who feel it necessary to litter Keith's land with fast food containers and styro cups and leave them where they land. It may be safe to extrapolate a bit and guess how they voted in the last presidential election. Still pissy about the whole thing, Piper


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
Joliet, IL
40 some years ago, my brother and I were paddling down a local river. Someone strung a wire across the river, and as we approached it, I grabbed the wire to fling it over my head. It was a fence shocker wire. About scared the heck out of me. My brother tried to catch it with the paddle, the wire slid down the paddle and caught him in the chest. He grabbed it and tossed it over his head. Well, we were going to pull that wire out, so we stopped at the bank, he jumped out into the shallow water, and pulled his foot out of the water with a 2x4 attached to it. Sure enough, a rusted 16 penny nail went into his foot.
Some days, you can't win for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
joy i noticed that in the pics i was wondering where you had got ur nice dinner tray. :wink: :roll: coal i bet that did scare and hurt you. i cant think of but one other way that would hurt worse with water?? :wink: :lol: :( :mrgreen: