Friend Nock,
I done some polin'. I like that boat, mainly that stylish rust color. On the rite river 'er lake, it would be top drawer fer totin' a heap a gear 'n makin' yerownself comfortable, but without a motor ya wont be keepin' up with pirogues, kayaks 'n canoes (less ya tote a heap a cans of spinach 'n a corn cob pipe). No way would it have been fun on the last St. Mary trip.
I wondered bout some oars? Mebbe somethin' in light green.....not pastel, but....stylish. [chuckle]
A few years ago Miz Bear 'n me went ta Fort Braxton Bragg ta see her son make hiz 100 (recorded) jump. The plane keep poppin' rivets 'n would only turn left over at Pope, so the Malfunction Officer called it off. On our way home, we rode the 74 highroad jest south of Tryon til we got ta Monroe where we headed fer Waxhaw (that iz where some of my folks hail frum). Seems ya'll got more hills that we seen along 74.
ps A bamboo pole mite be jest the ticket. PVC iz a bit heavy. I got one really long store bought paddle that I like ta use in the Big Red SOB (like David, I try ta avoid stoopin' whenever I kin). Standin' up in a boat sho takes a load off yer back. I kin pole 'er paddle with it.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill