Thanks, Jimmy, right.
BeeKeeper, While it's obvious that you steer with a push-pull motion, I was wondering about the speed adjustment with a twist. The Yooper* Engineering trick of using screw-eyes for a universal joint is admirable. It looks, as best as I can see in the photos, as if when the push-pull rod is lined up with the motor control handle - maybe +- 30 degrees - you can twist the rod and the speed control will respond on the motor. Maybe outside of that range, or some similar range, those screw-eyes will kink up?
* "Yooper" is a short term for folks from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (abbreviated as U.P. - thus Yooper) While childish in their innocent naivete, :wink: they are experts in doing things with their brains and hands. Especially if it involves poaching deer or fish, you betcha. Ask Piper San