Operation Jade Helm ? | SouthernPaddler.com

Operation Jade Helm ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

The government has lied to us about so many things it is hard to have any trust in anything they tell us. If you take what they tell us and assume the opposite then you have a half ass idea of what is going on.
I also read where the United Nations sent some troops in the area ........WHY ? We do not need the UN to stick there nose in our business.
To put it bluntly if they said is was raining outside I would have to go out side to see and there is a good shot it would probably be sunny and nice.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Personally, I would trust the military the most. In about 17th place (no, there are no eligible entities foe places 2-16) would br zhomeland Security. In 144th place (again, nothing in between) would be IRS. The White House current administration is at infinity plus 1, and sinking further.

Frankly, stories of Operation Jade Helm read a lot like searches for ghosts and Bigfoot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your insights Jack. Like you, I trust your government, and mine about as far as I could throw them and our respective media networks even less. There seems to be a lot of smoke and mirror stuff going on at the moment and I could be getting paranoid but I don't really think so. Your president and my prime minister both need spearing in the thigh for sending aid to our enemies in my opinion.

The UN has no business in your country or mine and I could rant about them for some time. A recent post here makes me hesitate in doing that. I really don't want to offend anybody's delicate sensibilities :D or be called a racist again :lol:
My mixed race heritage makes a nonsense of that anyway.

Stuff it. I'm feeling the need for another outback trip anyway. Been home a month or so now and got all the "Honey Do's" done. Winter arrived here yesterday :D and its cool enough to head west again. Will enjoy our grey nomad lifestyle while we still can. Hell, might even catch a fish or two. :D


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Couple interesting facts.
1,1 million deer hunting license sold in Texas last year. That normally means some one that can use there weapon of choice.
Estimated 6 million gun owners
44% of the tx population own a firearm
Lot of firepower


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chuck, we call that one a Black Jew. Not sure why but there you have it. It was 40 odd pounds and a lot of fun to catch. OK as a table fish but not really to our liking. There were a lot of them caught but we only wanted one.

Ron, Your points are well made and make perfect sense to me. Perhaps that is why the apparent administrators of Jade Helm have declared Texas to be "hostile".

Brigitte Gabriel seems to have her finger pretty well on the pulse, as does Pamela Geller and both are well worth following.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ron, A link you might like to read
http://conservativetribune.com/congress ... s-hostile/

here is just the start of the article

As worry begins to mount over President Barack Obama’s Jade Helm 15 exercises, Congress is beginning to take action on the controversial operation that many believe is a precursor to martial law.

Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, recently became the latest lawmaker to express grave doubt about the exercises, and he pointed out something much of the media hasn’t reported — namely, which states are supposed to be “hostile” territory during the exercise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I copied this from CNSNews.com..............

There were 13.7 million hunters in the United States over age 16 -- 12.7 million of whom used rifles, shotguns or handguns for hunting, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

That means hunters constituted only 15.9 to 18.1 percent of the estimated 70-80 million gun owners in the U.S. in 2011 -- the latest year for which statistics are available.

One of the reasons we were never attacked by the Japanese on our own ground during WW2 , there leader said it would be the same as waking a sleeping dragon because of all the private gun owners which constitutes a civilian army. One reason why Obama would want to disarm the population.
It was a civilian army that made America independent from England.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, yes, there are a lot of firearms out there. And I'm all for that. But, to hold us up as an offensive or defensive force is pretty overinflated. We're not organized or trained. We better resemble what's known ad cannon fodder than a military force.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That was back in the old days when there was a draft and everyone had military experience unlike today where most younger people walk around in a day dream.
Ever think that might be why the present administration has labeled X-Military , Old Farts ( Veterans ) and Law Enforcement as possible terrorists , they are all weapon trained.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Jack your right on the cannon fodder ,but there are a lot of factors to add to that situation.
I hope I never see it but if it ever happened I do believe there would be heavy civilian resistance.
The figures I gave were just for Texas. There is an estimated 310 million guns in the USA and most figure that number is way on the low side.The number of trained personal is a lot higher than you would think ,leo,ex military, current military that would not go along with the action . The cannon fodder might be harder to digest than you might think.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
And out of that 360 million the majority would not have the Will to pull the trigger or even think of doing it. The minority of the 360 million that would have the Will to fight still comes to a staggering amount of resistance.


Well-Known Member
G'day guys, I respect your views on this and you are a lot closer to the action than I am. I am reading reports of UN armoured Humvees and other vehicles with UN markings moving round the US and it seems to me that there are a LOT of very worried people over there. Texas Rangers included. I have also heard of veterans, particularly in Texas having their weapons confiscated "For the duration of the exercise"

I truly hope this turns out to be a storm in a tea cup.

In the mean time, and out of complete dis-respect for your prez. I hope you get a giggle out of this one.

And don't be worried about us. We have Drop Bears to deal with em.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
If the first picture is true (and a lot of people think it is) does that make the second picture true? :shock: Bet that picture will make the liberals cry.
I have not read anything of the things you say are happening. I watch no TV news anymore. The news I get is from listening to he radio which is just as bad as TV news. I listen to talk shows on the radio and read a few things on the internet. We keep thinking that it can't happen here. Kinda like the old Aussie said. "And I said, Naw Mate, they cant take our guns. Then one day they came around and collected them."


Well-Known Member
Friend of mine is involved in this. It's a large scale military exercise that's freaking people out because not a lot is being said and much of it is being conducted on private land.

Word I'm getting is the current administration was bending over for the environmentalist lobby about supposed damage the exercise would do to endangered plants and animal habitat on federal land. So the DOD did an end-around and found large swaths of private land.