Operation Jade Helm ? | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Operation Jade Helm ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Not to put you in a awkward position since you are just going by what someone told you.
1...If that is true did your friend say what has happen to all of the land ( Thousands of acres ) the military trains on everyday with different vehicles and weapons where the environmentalist could not have any complaints , due to past damage.
When did the government start giving a hoot about environments ? Plus our military trains everyday at the military bases for combat.

2... Or shouldn't I ask ??


Well-Known Member
oldsparkey said:

Not to put you in a awkward position since you are just going by what someone told you.
1...If that is true did your friend say what has happen to all of the land ( Thousands of acres ) the military trains on everyday with different vehicles and weapons where the environmentalist could not have any complaints , due to past damage.
2... I would like to know what type of training exercise they are doing , what are they training for ? Is it specialized training not pertaining to typical maneuvers as in armed conflicts which we train our military for everyday ?
3... Or am I asking to many questions ??

They needed hot dessert conditions over a large spread out area with multiple areas of control. My friend isn't super deep into the knowledge of everything but he did say this is all a strong-arm message to Iran and was timed intentionally with the nuclear energy talks. POTUS is trying to be "loudly subtle".

Friend also said the Iran situation is a much larger threat than is being let known to the public. He didn't say how.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I hope you are right.
There has been so much under the table graft, attacks on constitutional law, so much bald face lieing and government cover ups that folks are getting to not trust the government.
I think being aware of possible threats and watching these possible situations is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Mates, I take the liberty of copying and pasting an article I just found. I will post the link to the website at the bottom

Martial Law? Obama Confiscates National Guard Helicopters From All 50 States!

As if the Obama administration’s purchase of more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition, and nearly 3,000 urban tanks, along with their unprecedented (and highly illegal) domestic spying program was not enough to convince you that the federal government is about to suspend the Constitution once and for all, the man who once vowed to run “the most transparent administration in history” has just rather inexplicably, ordered the U.S. Army to seize every Apache attack helicopter currently in use by the National Guard

In all, the Defense Department will confiscate 192 Apaches from National Guard units around the country and give them to the active duty Army.

In exchange for the heavily armed and highly maneuverable choppers, Guard units will receive 111 UH-60 Blackhawk transport helicopters from the Army Defense One, reports

Last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, claiming that the measure will save taxpayers $12 billion, over the next three years.

Of course, when one considers that this ‘cost saving’ move comes from an administration which regularly runs trillion-dollar deficits and, to date, has proposed no less than 442 tax increases since taking office in January 2009, the idea of saving money for the American taxpayer is a bit hard to swallow.

So, what could be another, more reasonable explanation?

The Apache, which began service in 1986, is armed with a 30 mm M230E1 Chain Gun (with 1,200 rounds), Hellfire anti-tank missiles, and 70 general-purpose 70 mm rockets. In short, it is capable of fending-off any enemy, foreign or domestic.

Obviously, these helicopters could pose a substantial obstacle to say, a tyrant drunk on his own power, with an army at his disposal.

With the recent, attempted seizure of the Bundy family ranch in Nevada by more than 200 armed federal officers, including many snipers, we know that the Obama administration is not afraid to use force against the American people.

Furthermore, considering the unprovoked attacks and murders of U.S. citizens on their own property by federal agents, such as the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacres, we also know that the federal government has no problem suspending due process and using lethal force on its own citizens. Couple that with the as yet, unexplained, massive arms buildup by the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the feds to arrest and detain any U.S. citizen indefinitely without charges, and even the most establishment-minded American should be able to see what is coming.

There are a few governors around the country who would not stand for martial-law being arbitrarily declared by this or any president, but without any teeth (i.e. Apache attack helicopters) what could they use to stop Obama’s tyranny?

Link is here :-

The more I look into this, the more concerned I am becoming and the inclined I am to call bullshit on anything your current administration claims.


Well-Known Member
A old mate from one of the shooting forums that I've been corresponding with for around 16 years is a retired Sheriff , He wrote of Jade Helm some time ago and told me to order any stuff I needed from the USA now as he was worried that the exercise was just a precursor to Martial Law ,

He is worried that the more conservative senior officers in the Military have been removed to a great degree and they were the ones who would have stopped any nonsense like that

Hell as far as I know he could be right so I bought the new stock I wanted for my heavy Barrel Howa 223 , [ Boyds Thumbhole in AppleJack colour , feels great and looks great ]

I won't mention where old mate is from or his name , but he's a interesting feller , Joined the Sheriff's dept a year or two after he left the Marines [ he reckoned it too a year or two to get his head clear after his service ] , worked as a deputy for several years before he run for Sheriff after the previous one retired , he reckoned that he spent the next couple of years cleaning out the dept of the dead wood , the stupid , the lazy , the brutal and the corrupt then spent the next 20 + years keeping it clean

I really like getting posts from this guy as they are always interesting , and often bring me out of my comfort zone , he is very much against the militarization of the civilian police forces , he is also dead set against hiring ex-military straight from service , he reckons they should go do some thing different for a couple of years before they go into law enforcement , other wise they have a tendency to treat the general public as enemy combatants

Actually he hates the term Law Enforcement , he reckons that back when he started as a Deputy they always termed them selves as Peace Officers , he reckoned that when people started thinking of them selves as Law Enforcement Officers [ LEO's ] it just meant that they had become revenue raisers for the county or city , but now he reckons the progression has gone from Peace Officer to LEO to Occupying force , he's totally disgusted with what is happening in the USA ,

He doesn't see much difference between the Conservatives and the Democrats , he reckons that in the end they all report to the same bosses , not the public but the people who buy their elections , the people who are the money behind all the major banks world wide

He reckons that any surface difference between the major parties is just window dressing

He may be right , he may be wrong but while I may not agree with every single thing he says I do agree with a lot of it
