new pirogue | Page 2 |

new pirogue

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana

I would suggest that it was along the lines of this double buck.


I doubt tho that it was weilded by two young ladies.

Perhaps, this size



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I think it would be more fun watching the guy's get one of those logs off the river bottom , then loading it on a flat bed semi. Now the real fun starts , watching them saw it into planks. It would take the Mother of all saws to slice those planks out of the rough stock. :shock:

I would hate to think about all the boats there is in one of them , after it has been cut.

This is not a single sheet of plywood.

A pirogue made out of it is the real McCoy.

PS. Not sure who is in the picture but he really needs to get a haircut. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I'll hit some spots and let seedtick take over. that tree (log) still had the root ball on it, it was 20 feet and took about 6 hours to cut off. we have a bunch of chain saws, a couple of 42 inchers and some smaller. we leave the butts in the water, they would make a fine table or something, they pull out to many trout lines when coming in.
we had 12 foot cross-cuts back in the day, and yes some times they had to weld 2 of them together. sometimes we'll sink our barge about 2 feet before the log pops loose and then some times it dont pop. thats the ones we been looking for. we have a 5'th wheeler with about 10 tires. the big logs we saw, turn, saw, turn, sae, ect, all day on cut /saw days. and thats the man in the photo, Mr. Seed. later keith


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
That particular tree wasn't cut down. It blew over in the lake before the loggers came through 100 years ago. The reason we know this is because the root ball was still attached. If the tree had been standing 100 years ago, the loggers would have cut it down.

The root ball that was left was about 20 feet across. We cut the root ball off by going all the way around with a chainsaw with about a 42" bar. The log was 6'2" in diameter where we cut the root ball off.

Here's what they look like with the root ball attached. This is a smaller log than the one pictured.


There's no sawmill around here anymore that can handle something this big, we split it up with a chainsaw.

BTW, when that picture was taken I had just had a haircut - in fact I had both of them cut. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
seedtick said:
BTW, when that picture was taken I had just had a haircut - in fact I had both of them cut. :)

I really envy you... Had the docs today to check out the unit (defibrillator) so yesterday I cut my one hair and even shaved this morning , seams like everything on the top has slid down. I hate gravity but love gravy.

The hair cut was fast (as in a single hair) but the shaving took quite a long time. With any luck the sink might start draining in a week or so if all of the acid I dumped in there does it's job..Next time it is shaving in the back yard , the lawn has a lot of bald spots. :roll:



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
This thread is just well as the pictures. Wish my pirogue was made of that great wood. The history that has went by as those trees waited all this time to serve as a great boat.....

BTW......The last time I camped with Chuck.....I painted numbers on either end of his head with a dashed line between them while he was napping.....The sand gnats had a ball using it as a landing strip. :wink:

( I guess the glare made most of them go over to you guy's...Chuck.)

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
'Twasn't the glare that threw them off in their navigating, Chuck. Numbers on he end of a runway designate its compass bearing in the direction of landing. Jimmie had it oriented to magnetic north instead of true north.

Most importantly, though, was that he forgot to adjust for the tidal flow. Not the one in the nearby ocean - the one that goes back and forth between your ears.

Slosh slosh goush slippp warch slosh (Sound of Chuckie nodding his head when asked if he wants gritz)

Rattle ratttttttttle roar crash (Sound of Jack's head nodding when asked if he wants ice cream)


Well-Known Member
some back ground on the logging. in the first picture the pontoons are 2/3 under water picking up the log. the rig sit about 3/8 in water without a load. the 2 pontoons are 3 foot x 25 foot long. in the last photo @ the log butt the pontoons are underwater at the ends of the 4 inch pipe rail. the pontoon on the side that you see are extra auxiliary tanks that we add on for BIG suckers. the wench, she is big and will sink, pull underwater the whole rig. me and tick have ben standing on the deck, each holding 2 chain saws up out of the water with the waters 2 feet over the pontoons. Later Keith


Well-Known Member
first photo has no batter boards on the stems and you can see the ends of the 3/4 inch planks. the breasthook is of 2-1/2 inch stock that will be shaped later and you can see the end of the batter board. yea, thats a 17 foot long dugout from a old log sitting on the side, we chop on it now and then,no rush, its for us to play with. on the bottom we used a 18 inch wide plank down the middle and two 6 inch on each side of the 18'er. we dont have top rub rails on the outside yet. Later Keith


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
This is SCARY , really SCARY .. I keep looking at the picture of me sitting in that chair.. The glasses , that marvelous hair , the manly phisquet, a world famous grin and working really hard.

Or it could be someone who looks like me , if that is the case......
I sure wish he does not have the problems I do with women chasing me , it is exhausting , can really wear a guy down having to run and duck an dodge them all the time.


All he needs is a hat like this.............


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
... Or it could be someone who looks like me , if that is the case...... I sure wish he does not have the problems I do with women chasing me , it is exhausting , can really wear a guy down having to run and duck an dodge them all the time....
Did anyone else just hear a loud, wet, PLOP? Something kinda thick & gooey? And SMELLY!!

The Galloping Ghost of Out House Key just rode through, I think.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
Well Sparkle,
The world just full of good looking folks like us. What you don't realize is the rarity of that picture. I almost never sit down for a rest. Some folks have lived all their life and have not seen me sit down.

God knows what that picture "The Tick At Rest" would go for on Ebay. If I had an account, I put it up for sale.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

The wife was in here so I showed your picture to her and asked ... who does that look like.........

All she could say is "O" My GOD......that is weird , it is you. (Then just stood there shaking her head and muttering , everyone has a double and I feel really sorry for him ) This is from someone who has been married to me for 42 or so years.

Women .. What do they know ????????



Well-Known Member
seedtick, his grand pa was a traveler, so he could have gone over there, or, OR yours came over here when he was gone. will the real paddler stand up? Later Keith

( I doubt anything like that happen since I was Hatched by a ole momma gator :roll:..... It just has to be faith playing a nasty trick on all of you to have two such good looking guys on one planet. But ya never know ....Chuck.)