G'day all,
I'm currently in the market for a kayak to use for fishing and a bit of exercise.
I'm looking at the Clearwater Designs, Iqaluit 11ft 8 and Inuvik 13 ft. Any thoughts on these kayaks if anybody has had any experience with them.
Hairymick, you might be able to help with this one the Australis Saratoga, any ideas on it for my purpose.
I chose these kyaks as I can get thses locally and are currently in stock so I can at least go for a test paddle. They also have the Azul Australis kayak I think it's about 9.5 to 10ft long
I thought the 2 Clearwater kayaks wouldn't be too bad with their cockpit sizes 51 in x 18 in for fishing. See that, I even put the measurements in imperial for you guys. ..........
No, the catalogue I have is in imperial and I'm too tired at the moment to convert, been working in the yard all day. And they tell me holidays are for relaxing!!!
I'm also open to any suggestions if there are any.
I'm currently in the market for a kayak to use for fishing and a bit of exercise.
I'm looking at the Clearwater Designs, Iqaluit 11ft 8 and Inuvik 13 ft. Any thoughts on these kayaks if anybody has had any experience with them.
Hairymick, you might be able to help with this one the Australis Saratoga, any ideas on it for my purpose.
I chose these kyaks as I can get thses locally and are currently in stock so I can at least go for a test paddle. They also have the Azul Australis kayak I think it's about 9.5 to 10ft long
I thought the 2 Clearwater kayaks wouldn't be too bad with their cockpit sizes 51 in x 18 in for fishing. See that, I even put the measurements in imperial for you guys. ..........
No, the catalogue I have is in imperial and I'm too tired at the moment to convert, been working in the yard all day. And they tell me holidays are for relaxing!!!
I'm also open to any suggestions if there are any.