My upcoming trip | Page 7 |

My upcoming trip


Well-Known Member
Back a ways my vision began to turn a corner, so slowly that it would be impossible to say just when it occured. But........

Here's the scoop today. my right eye, the first one, has a new plastic lens now, this may have been a "mistake" by the doctors, trying to cure my visual abberations.....but what is done is done. I have a very large diameter contact on order and hope that it will mitigate some of the lumps and bumps on my cornea and allow me to see single images again. the good news is that in daylight I have about 20-30 vision, without any contact or eye has not been that good since before 1973. So, except for night vision issues I'm pretty happy.

My left eye, surgery on April 19, new plastic lens and donor cornea, is doing well. For a long time it was like having vaseline smeared on regular glasses.......thickly. Well, now it is just like having sort of dirty and smeared glasses......things are in sort of soft focus.....and getting better. As I ride along with my Chauffer, Diane, I look at car plates in traffic and by the day I am getting so I can read them...not a great distance but I can read them at least. So, overall, I am pretty happy with that one too, even if I can't see with it yet. It is getting better......and only time heals this surgery.

I have high hopes of having 20-20 in both eyes in about 6-8 months and the doctors tell me that is what they figure it will be.

Man, this has been a long time coming and the loss of my vision was devastating. Seeing over 70-images of EVERYTHING can drive a person insane.......I was pretty close. Friends like you helped me to have the strength and patience to just wait and hope. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
islandpiper said:
Friends like you helped me to have the strength and patience to just wait and hope.
Friend piper,

Good ta hear that we done a good job. So I reckon ya wont be lookin' fer a parrot 'n a black spot? How bout a Sherlock Holmes clue finder? When it came ta hats, Sherlock 'n Robin Hood were top drawer. 8)


Little Bill Daggett: I don't deserve this... to die like this. I was building a house.
Will Munny: Deserve's got nothin' to do with it.
Little Bill Daggett: I'll see you in hell, William Munny.
Will Munny: Yeah.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Piper san,

While its true we are your friends, the bill for our services will arrive at your house subsequently. You didn't think high quality friendship like this was FREE - did you??!! We do this for a living. And, Chuckie still owes us big time.

Keith, I'm glad you're getting better. Now, when we meet, you will get to see exactly what I look like.