My upcoming trip | Page 6 |

My upcoming trip


Well-Known Member
I am holding back on posting a picture of my stitches and new (used) cornea for fear that Chuck might post a picture of his stitches next time he has a hemmeroid removed.......that could shut the whole internet down for a while and we'd have to get Al Gore to redesign it!!.......



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
AARRGGHH!!......yer near bout there piper. Ya look like they made ya walk the plank, then keel hauled ya. It must be what they do ta the new pirates. Psssst....if ya caint git a parrot, how bout a pink flamingo? :mrgreen: :roll: :mrgreen:

Dang hospital folks.......usin' a white patch on a pirate! They likely dont even fly the Jolly Roger off the roof top. AARRGGHH!! at 'em a few times 'n they mite take ya deep sea fishin'.

shade tree medikle clinic

They wuz givin’ me ten thousand watts a day, ya know, ‘n I'm hot to trot! The next woman takes me on iz gonna light up like a pinball machine ‘n pay off in silver dollars! Randall McMurphy


Well-Known Member
OK, here it is........the new, level-headed me. Notice the air bubble, now mostly depleted at the top. If I tilt my head it stays on top......I know some carpenters and 'dozer operatoers who could use one of these. This is another fine stitching job by Drs. Kaufman and Kim, LSU Eye Center. These sutures are 1/3 the diameter of a human hair and come with a needle made on both ends......the whole thing is so thin and light that if they take it out of the package and lay it down it will just FLOAT AWAY on simple air currents like a cat-hair!! They do all the work uder a big microscope, taking turns every three stitches or so, as it is really intense and tiring work putting these in. Makes me ashamed to claim the patches I've sewn on my blue jeans!! Piper


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Looks to me like he has been drinking some of the Hurricanes , Hang on and I will post some pictures of the last hemmoride operation. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It sort of looks like a harry cyclops with one large brown eye. :roll:

Piper I wish I never , ever have to go thru what you have gone thru. If I do , Please , make sure I have a lot of hurricanes before , during and after the operation.

I do not envy you at all , just wish that all of that will be worth while , even when you can clearly see a picture of Jack. Squint at 1st so your vision can adjust to that shock of looking at him.



Well-Known Member
DWallace.....well, like Kayak jack has been saying, I'm not all that pretty even when nothing has been worked on!! yes, this whole journey has been long and a major issue in terms of driving, making a living and family relations, etc......but, in my case the option was to become functionally blind within a year or so....... So, like any decision we make, i weighed the facts, and moved forward. About one in 2000 persons, worldwide, is struck with Kerataconus, some not so bad and some much worse or faster moving than mine. I took about ten years to get to this point. Last week before the surgery, i could go out in the night and count 76-moons......clear enough to see them and they all were separated enough to point at them and count aloud. That is a crazy way to view the world. This week, with the donor cornea, I see just ONE but quite fuzzy image of everything. I'll take the ONE fuzzy image anytime. And, things will settle down later. One of my intentions in posting all this is to make you all aware of some partially sighted persons among you......and to suggest that tossing them tennis balls to catch in groups of 3-4 might be cruel, even it is funny! And remember, lots of Kerataconus patients continue to drive. Think about that next time you drive on a narrow, two way highway.

In stitches,


Well-Known Member
Jack, please put your hat back on.......or step into the shade, that reflected glare is killing me...............whew, that better!

Thanks for the unfounded compliment.

Things are better today, no pain and the right eye has learned to take over the lead role. Nearly everyone is right-eye dominant, as am I. Since October, my right has been taking orders fromt the left and it took a few days for it to assume the leadership position it used to have. Funny thing, but i makes a real difference.

Cheers. Piper


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend piper,

I reckon this means yer givin' up on turnin' pirate? No spyglass, no black spot, no parrot, no patch, no Jolly Roger, no walkin' the plank, no buried treasure, no grog, no scurvy, no swashbucklin'? Well, I reckon ya kin still Arrrgggghhhh ever now 'n then.....'n play Lovely Cruise on the bagpipes?

best regards
shade tree medikle clinic
Nannytechnologikle Division
Money Back Guarantee: We guarantee if we git yer money, ya wont git it back.

Oh, I am afraid our life must seem very dull and quiet compared to yours. We are but eight score young blondes and brunettes, all between sixteen and nineteen- and- a- half, cut off in this castle with no one to protect us. Oooh. It is a lonely life: bathing, dressing, undressing, making exciting underwear. We are just not used to handsome knights. Nay. Nay. Come. Come. You may lie here. Oh, but you are wounded! Zoot

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
bearridge said:
... no grog, ... no swashbucklin'? Well, I reckon ya kin still Arrrgggghhhh ever now 'n then.....'n play Lovely Cruise on the bagpipes?
Br'r Bear,

I think he may still imbibe in grog (or, single malt substitute) from time to time. And, he'll still create noise pollution on his bag pipes. After all - it's his EYE they're fixing, not his ethics.

He may even get his swash buckled, once in awhile too. He just doesn't heist up his buckle as tightly as he used to - nor, as fast.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Kayak Jack said:
He just doesn't heist up his buckle as tightly as he used to - nor, as fast.
Truthful Jack,

Once upon a time my pal Lance sez "I wear the same size jeans I wore when I wuz in high school". I looked at him 'n sez "Yeah, but back then ya didnt buckle up below yer belly". :wink:


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. BUT cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. Marcus Tullius Cicero


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
These eye problems are getting out of hand.

Just got a e-mail from Mac and he said he will be going in this week to get his stitches removed. Not sure what was done , all I know is they had to whittle on his eye. Which brings me to this question ........... When did they start doing the lobotomy's thru a persons eye?

I can visualize Mac with his cow boy hat on and an eye patch out in his boat fishing , Man will that ever scare the folks over at the cape ( NASA). Probably put the cape on a level 6 alert with 1 being mild and a 4 being the worse.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Elderly pal Chuck,

It iz gittin' mitey dang hard ta keep up with which Geezer haz what wrong with 'em. Reckon we need a scoreboard? We need more doctors, EMTs 'n ole corpmen ta join up.....well, doctors 'n EMTs anyway. :wink:

I got it.....a "git well soon" section where everbody kin post what all iz wrong with 'em, when they go ta the doctor ta find out jest how bad it iz, what the doctor sez, when they do surgery, how yer comin' along afterward 'n how big a settlement ya got frum the doctor 'n the hospital. :wink:


ps I aint agin nurses. I like blonde, but the other flavors iz okay in my book. :roll: :roll: :mrgreen:

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein


Well-Known Member
Chuck , regarding doing lobotomies through the eye.....hmmm......I used to know that, before the last surgery, can't remember my address anymore either, but, I calm now....hmmm

Bear, love the get well section idea. we could just all write our complaints and even if no one read them we'd feel etter, sort of like the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

When you get some info on Mac, let me know.

Cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
bearridge said:
Elderly pal Chuck,I got it.....a "git well soon" section where everbody kin post what all iz wrong with 'em, when they go ta the doctor ta find out jest how bad it iz, what the doctor sez, when they do surgery, how yer comin' along afterward 'n how big a settlement ya got frum the doctor 'n the hospital. :wink:regards bearridge

This new section reminds me of my Father-in'Law, rest his soul.

He loved showing off scars from operations to anyone. I remember one Christmas he was dressed as Sanny Claus....He passed out all his gifts to his umpteen grandchildren running around. Than he say's to them..."Wanna see what I got for Christmas?" as he pulled up his Sanny Claus suit in front to expose a scar the length of his chest. :shock: Most of the Grandkids have gotten over that ordeal and it's been 10 years.

I guess an operation scar is a Geezer Badge of Honor.........and complaining about it a right of old age.

Heh...Heh...Heh.....Mac with an eye patch! We need to get him a parrot for his shoulder! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
ailin' pal piper,

No word on Mac, but if they fix hiz eyes, the game 'n fish law wont let him off cuz he caint see how many fish he had. That means all he kin do iz tell 'em he caint count.

How iz yer eyeball lookin'?

a concerned

Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives. Maurice Chevalier