My upcoming trip | Page 2 |

My upcoming trip


Well-Known Member
Good morning, guys. Thanks for all your concern and prayers. I am back among the living, just look like IL've beeen hit with a big stick. Still bandaged up and no contact in the remaining eye which sees at about twenty/nin hundred, so the world is a bit confusing now. Virtually pain free surgery, but a bit uncomfortable. But, hopefully back on the way to being a full sighted person again More later. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
islandpiper said:
Still bandaged up and no contact in the remaining eye which sees at about twenty/nin hundred, so the world is a bit confusing now.
Friend Keith,

Most of the geezers are confused.....without any bandages. :wink: Glad yer back, now lay low fer a while 'n dont drive fast 'er look at no pichurs of paddlin' geezers.

shade tree medikle clinik



Well-Known Member
Here's some really fine work when it comes to stitch-and-glue.......the graft is 7 mm or so across, 25 microns thick with sixteen stitches in place. The stitches are the little tiny radial black lines. One stitch perforated my eyeball and has been leaking but that should heal up soon. I'll post a complete story of the surgery ASAP........yes, it will be pretty low-key........nothing gory.


Thanks, guys, for all your thoughts and prayers. You have no idea how much that helped as I lay in the pre-op ward.

Cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
As I type this I have the EYE Starring at me ... Boy that is spooky but it is Halloween
so anything goes. Then the radio is playing ...... You are Knocking but you can't come in..... This is getting weird...... Even for me and that is saying a lot
Now they are playing ... Those oldies but goodies reminds me of you. :roll:

OK... Has the surgery helped your vision or did you go there just to chase the nurses ?????????


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Stitch and glue RULES!

I would have used stove pipe wire for the stitches. And - which end of that thing is the bow? Will it hold enough gear for a week? Is it a canoe or a kayak?

Matt, can you design a boat like that?


Well-Known Member
Hey Bears Buddy! Erin Go Braugh!! It's moss, I think. At least that's how it feels today. The leaking seems to have stopped from the perforation. Some discomfort but nothing I'd call pain. But, a bit light sensitive......if the sunshine hits me on the back of the head it hurts in my eye. With a hard skull like mine this is surprising.

The funny thing is the other eye is blue ( not joking here). The trauma must have changed things. Sort of hoping it stays that way, just for effect.

Sitting this one out, enjoying the rest for a few days. Back to the doctor tomorrow, a 55-mile ride into a very confused and congested post-Katrina New Orleans.

Cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Well, I am one week out now and on the mend. it will be a long road to recovery and the best vision possible, but I was on the downslope before so if my eye gets better at the same speed it was getting worse, I'll be happy.

The perforation leak sealed up in the first 3-4 days so that's not an issue any longr. Whew!

For years my right eye has been the bad one and lately I have been seeing 20-800 or 20-900 without contacts. Well, now the right eye, the graft, is seeing about as well as the left eye, which means it is getting better. Yippee!! I am just about able to tell a cat from a dog when one walks by....that sounds silly to you all who see.....but to a vision impaired person it is a milestone.

My wife asked me why Kerataconus develped in my eyes and after long thought I told her this: We are'nt having enough sex.......Yes, she laughed. But, think about it. Twenty-eight years ago when we got married it was twice a day, except on weekends when we bumped the schedule up a little....that went on for years and I never had kerataconus then. I also never had arthritis or a bald spot on the back of my head. My blood pressure was fine.......etc, etc.......

We still live about the same as we did then, same food, same coffee, no smoking then or now....Near as I can figure it's the change in the sex life.

What I need you guys to do is bounce this theory off your spouses at home and report bqck....we can write this up and perhaps qualify for Nobel Prize in Medicine. Wouldn't Chuck be surprised by that when he gets back....and we can split the million dollar payoff equally here on the forum. That'd buy a lot of epoxy and Okume!!

Cheers, Piper


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Piper,

Good on yer eyes mate. I better pass on that other part. Miz Bear iz a mean injun 'n she kin shoot the eyes balls off a possum. Remember Little Moonlight who hooked up with Lone Watie 'n Josey Wales?


ps Ya kin tell frum the look in hiz eyes 'n the smile on hiz face that Brett woulda paid the Packers ta play. Not many folks had more fun than him.

I was sitting on a bean bag chair, naked, eating Cheetos the other day when Robert Tilton came on TV. He's a televangelist out of Dallas. He looked at me and said, "Are you lonely?" Yeah. "Have you spent half your life in bars pursuing sins of the flesh?" This guy's good! "Are you sitting in a bean bag chair naked eating Cheetos?"... Yes, sir! "Do you have the urge to get up and send me a thousand dollars?" Ha, ha close! I thought he was talking about me there for a second! Ron White


Well-Known Member
just a little sales pitch:

I just got back from the eye surgion, my
ten day check up. two weeks ago I was seeing
20-900.....legally blind and failing still, that is,
getting worse by the month. Today, with some squinting and a lot of patience I was seeing 20-80......and it should develop better, so I can see without any squinting within 9 months or so. With this surgery I have
a chance of seeing again, enough to drive and do my
job. All it took was a great opthalmologist......and
a llittle donor tissue. If you and your friends have
not done so yet, please.......yes, please......turn
your driver's license over and sign the line that will
let someone else SEE AGAIN if you don't need your
corneas any longer. Each person of even reasonable
health can give the gift of sight to two people like me.
Write if you have questions......

Thanks for all your support!! Here's lookin' at ya!!



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend piper,

That iz mitey good news. We all claim credit. I'd like a mandolin that makes me sound like Earl 'er Marty.

best regards

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency. Dan House


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Kayak Jack said:
bearridge said:
... I'd like a mandolin that makes me sound like Earl 'er Marty...
You'd do better, Br'r Bear, tryng for either Homer or Jethro.
Friend & Truthful Moderator Jack,

I already had one like that.

bodine school of music

Lewis: You wanna... you wanna talk about the vanishing wilderness?
Bobby: Lewis, listen - what are you so anxious about this?
Lewis: Because they're buildin' a dam across the Cahulawassee River; they're gonna flood a whole valley, Bobby, that's why. Dammit, they're drownin' a river; they're drownin' a river, man.
Drew: It is a matter of the law!
Lewis: The law? Ha! What law? Where’s the law, Drew?


Well-Known Member
At just about two weeks post-op my doctor checked the whole graft situation over from the front and everything appeared normal. So, he had one of his assistants use a torture device on me to be sure. This little machine is really amazing......using a high powered camera with a smooth front lens about the size of the push button on a ball point pen and a drop of eyeball-quality KY jelly he put my head in a clamp and ran that camera in till it touched my cornea, the grafted one, and ran it back and forth, like mowing the lawn, and filmed the whole thing into a computer. No real plain, just not comfortable, and the vision was lost totally for five minutes or so due to the intensity of the light he used. But, I've always wanted to be a movie I'm a movie stare. month post op.....and more fun. He like the healing so far and decided to remove every other stitch. That would be eight of them, leaving eight others in place. ("Just put your chin in that little cup there, Keith, and be careful not to move. ")

Ya, sure......I didn't move a muscle. After all, there was a guy there withh a bright light in my eye and a really sharp scalple in his hand. Amazing, when they cut the stitches you can hear them PING! He cut all eight, then the other doctor came in and asked for assistance in another my doctor excused himself and left.

So, there I sat, with sisteen-stitch-ends protruding from my cornea. "That'll seem a little scratchy till I get back." he said. Yup, he was right again.

After 2-minutes, going on ten-years, he came back and sat down, got some little tiny forceps......about the size of the end of a toothpick, and grabbing each stitch, pulled them out. At just about $1400.00 US each I really hated to see them go.

Then he told me to go back to work. So, I did......

Well, less t han an hour later the pain set in. We're talking sweat on the brow, foot tapping pain here, and my pain threashold is pretty high. I called him and he told me then that in order to catch the stitches he had to scrape away the new tissue on the surface of the eye, in all eight places. No damned wonder it hurt.

The next day things were better, pain wise.

I still can't see with that eye, just shapes and some large detail, but in time that should take care of itself and be correctable with a new contact lens.

My other eye has decided to average things out with the graft and my brain is going along with it. So, I'm not driving......or doing much shopping. Still have to go to work, though.

hey, if you haven't signed your Cornea Donor spot on your driver's license yet, please think about it, ok? thanks.

rock 'n roll, Piper

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Piper-san - I've seen your picture. My advice to you is to go back to the doctor and see if he'll reverse the procedure. That will save the shock you're headed for when you look into the mirror and realize just how plug ugly you really are.

With warmest and sincere regards,