G'day Johno,
Matt hasn't listed these plan for the P5 regardless of my thoughts on how good she is. This is entirely his call of course and i respect that. I think if you send him an email he would sell them to you. It is a remarkably good boat.
G'day Bee.
In my opinion, there are many things which affect a boats performance. Rocker alone is just one of them. With a flat bottom, slab sided boat like a pirogue, length relative to beam is another factor to consider.
With multi-panel boats, like a kayak or a more traditional canoe, the way the bow pierces the water and the way the stern releases the water are no less important, likewise, generally speaking, the more rounded the hull shape, the less drag that hull will impart on the water it is passing through.
G'day Ron,
Thanks mate, and the thoughts are reciprocated.

and I agree with you in that traditionally, a pirogue is probably a 3 panel boat but I defer to those from where this brilliant design originated.
Re the origins of the TV, perhaps Matt could enlighten us a bit more.

I built the prototype, Touring Pirogue
which is a flat bottom, 3 panel boat with an assymetrical hull and an astonishingly good padlecraft in its own right. My understanding is that Matt adapted or designed a Laker style bottom to this boat and added a tumble home panel to achieve your lovely TV.
Somewhere in between, he designed the P5 for me to build for my Ex-wife.

I think the P5 with a Laker style bottom is an idea worth muchy of more thought.
You are absolutely correct about the 1" rocker on Matt's pirogues. Perhaps he could enlighten us as to the benifiets of the reduced rocker on his hulls. As I said, I am no designer and I trust Matt's wisdom in these things completely.