Florida Weather , If you don't like it just take a few minutes and it will change.........We have been in the 80's till today. Heck I mowed the grass Sunday because it was getting to high. :roll:
Going to be cold around here......... :shock:
Monday .....74 high
Tuesday Morning , 32 , high 49
Wednesday , Morning 38...67 for a high
Thursday , Morning 57... 77 for the high
Friday , Morning 63....80 for the high
Saturday , Morning 65,,,84 for the high.
At lease Tuesday and Wednesday will feel like winter. I sure do not envy you folks up north from what the weather men are saying this cold snap will be like........ BURRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I do have a big pot of Chili Cooking on the stove for tonight and tomorrow , with some cornbread in the oven.