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Kayak gun

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
When I lived in Luuziana, fite ants were one of the pests we had to deal with. (One neighbor was another pest, but the following didn't work on them.)

Pour a circle of gasoline around the anthil to discourage escapees. Then douse the anthill itself. Stir it in a bit, and add another cupfull. Cap up the can, and remove it from the premises while the gas soaks in. Return, and drop a lighted match. Test skill with chopsticks, trying to pick up the little devils.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
My neighbor informed me today he didnt have room for any more tree rats. Hummmmmm guess the war is over this year.
Body count stopped at 57.
The little 1322 did a ggreat job and seems to shoot better all the time.
Crossman premier hollow points seem to be the ticket in this gun and the hollow point seems to anchor the rats well.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I was sitting on my patio when all were shot.
It is a pretty good distance to heavy woods ,1/2 mile.
But every house has several big oaks or pecans in there yards.
I have four big trees in mine.