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Kayak gun

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
The tole is climbing .
22 shots 21 rats
Shooting with naked eye trough a peep , 6 pumps
Wonder what it will do when I get the scope on it

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
New scope mounted check

Steel breech put on gun check

barrel shim check

gun sighted in check

5 tree rats today check
Thats 26 and counting

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
This is nearly unfair.
I have 100 plus pellets through the little gun and after the mods it is getting better with each shot. Three shot groups under a dime outside measurement .
You can take 20 yard head shots and feel good about them.
Best groups are with ten pumps.
42 down and counting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Dime groups at 20 yards??!! That's a keeper, for sure. Isn't it a handy little package? Short, light , accurate.........can't ask for more.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Wannabe said:
Nature abhors a vacuum. If you do not believe it try to get rid of mosquitoes or fire ants.

I tried a new method for getting rid of fire ants and was unaware of it at that time but sure found out in a hurry. By the way , Don't try it because it does not work , that well. :lol:

I weed whacked the yard ( before mowing ) and that weed whacker managing to toss several of them up my "T" Shirts sleeve and onto my side , chest and left leg. The closest thing I can think of to explain it was the old Jerry Lee Lewis song , Great Balls of Fire but in this case it was Side of Fire.

Now I make sure that line on the weed whacker is cutting the weeds and tossing the cuttings away from me , my legs and any other body parts. I still wear a "T" Shirt and shorts. :wink:

Mosquitoes ...... I hold off on them till around the 1st part of July when they are larger and make some good skeet practice with the 12 GA. The neighbors think it's some big firecrackers and fireworks they are hearing.


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Where I live most of the homes are 30 years old, they all have big oaks and pecans in the yard.
Squirrel heaven , also alot of folks have bird feeders out year round .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Chuck, by tat time of year, the mosquitoes are too big to just fry them. Have to be parboiled first. I can send recipes for mosquito stew in the crockpot. Jerky too.

Yummy , a Skeeter and Tree Rat stew. My guess the secret ingredient is to toss in a few Fire Ants to spice things up. Sure looks like Ron's marksmanship with his new pistol will furnish a lot of Pecan fed ( Fat and tender ) Tree Rats for the stew. :roll:

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Your post made me think of old times.
My grandparent had a ranch that I stayed at a lot. My consent companion was an old daisy slide action bb gun, my uncles had shimmed up the spring so it shot hard. I killed many a rabbit squirrel rattle snake copper heads.
If I was getting short on bb I would find me a big red ant bed follow one of there trail until I found a good soft spot. I would sit there and shoot ants as they came down the trail and then sift the soft dirt to get back some of my bb's .
Nothing was safe as long as I had that gun in my hand.
100 bbs were a nickle
500 25 cents

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
The pump Daisy was mote powerful, out of the box, than my lever action. Souped up, it had to be a good one, later, I got a Benjamin .177 caliber, pump up pellet gun. Deadly on small birds, but a crow would just take the hit and fly off, often cursing onseneties at me under his breat.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
Try this next time you get fire ant bit, take bleach and water 50 50 put on the bite as soon as possible, it will keep it from getting puss in it and scaring
It works also helps with the itch .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
tx river rat said:
Try this next time you get fire ant bit, take bleach and water 50 50 put on the bite as soon as possible, it will keep it from getting puss in it and scaring
It works also helps with the itch .

That's easy for me to remember since I treated oral diseases in the service , it is an old fashion ( in the field ) cure for mild gingivitis , after a good cleaning.
Like we would tell the guy's ....Just do not swallow it. :roll:
I will try it ( on the ant bites ) the next time and I am sure there will be a next time either with me or the wife.