Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke. | SouthernPaddler.com

Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I just received this email from oldyaker and the email is from Jim Adams , Bill Adams ( bearridges ) brother and retired doctor.



To those of you to whom I didn't send the first email, Karen, Bill's wife, had a serious hemorrhagic stroke around 9 pm Tuesday night. This is midnight, and she's on her way to Jackson, MS, St. Dominic's hospital, now sedated and intubated. I'm including Bill and his doctor daughter (who is in Jackson) in this email send, as I have the unpleasant web site that most intelligently discusses these strokes.

Lest the prognosis seem unusually dismal, the CAT scan I saw showed bleeding in the central cavities of the brain and not into the brain in general. I have to confess ignorance beyond that point in regard to prognosis, but I am unable to surrender my optimism that Karen will survive and will overcome any obstacles. She is not the one to surrender. Nor is Bubba Bill.

This article is rather blunt. I still believe Karen is in better shape than this article portrays. I though Bill would rather hear it from me than beat around the bush.



I was trying to find a good picture of Karen from the trips section and the best one I could locate is the one where she was fixing a snack at the Lost Mines campground back in May of 06.
That me , sitting in the chair , taking a break.

Picture taken by Oldyaker..................



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Oh shit,


I got the same email but I couldn't work out who Jim or Bill or Karen, for that matter, were.

My blood has just run cold.

Bear mate,

When you get this, Please know that Robin and I are praying for you too.

Is there anybody here who lives nearby to Bear and Karen who can drop in from time to time? I can tell you it is a very big help to have a mate or two to just drop by and say "hi, hows it goin."

Bloody hell, this is just not right.

God Bless mate,


Mick and Robin


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Chuck...I just forwarded you a couple more emails to post if want....I'm afraid the news is still not real good. As a matter of fact, I sit here with tears running down my cheeks. I remember those trips with Karen and Bear...we had such fun, didn't we Chuck. It's still hard to believe how in a fleeting moment how our lives can change.....or....end so quickly. At a moment like this, I wouldn't know what to say to William.....he and Karen are such good friends. If you believe that prayer works....start now and make it good.
If I get any more news Chuck....I'll let you know good or bad. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have the main one and here it is for everyone........


Just got this from Dr. Jim:
>> I'm using someone else's email address, so don't respond to this email
>> address. Tom. I can recieve email but can't send. would you update
>> everyone for me with this email.
>> Karen is still alive. She became partially conscious this morning and
>> complained by sign language about the breathing tube in her throat.
>> Later, she went down to radiology for an arteriogram. It took an
>> inordinate long time, and then, they called Bill down to x-ray. Bill
>> figured that was it, I'm sure.
>> The radiolgist said he hadn't intended to do it, but when he did the
>> arteriogram, he found the still bleeding vessel and, since she was
>> totally zonked out, catherized the offending vessel, threaded the fine,
>> metal wire into the aneurysm, the only treatment available nowadays, and
>> successfully stopped the bleeding. We live in an age of miracles for >> sure.
>> They warned him, of course. It can start bleeding again. The brain
>> damage can be so severe, she won't make it anyway. She may recover to a
>> horrible life reality (my statement, not theirs), but she also could
>> live and find herself in the 20% who survive and have absolutely no
>> residual. I have a friend who did the exact stunt last fall. I saw him
>> smoking and drinking whiskey only a month ago with no residual.
>> Next will come some bad news. Then good. Then bad. I'm prepared for
>> all this, but I can't help but believe Karen will make it, though I'll
>> admit this is a brash thing to hope for at this time.
>> So, be prepared to hear she's died in the next few days. But if she
>> doesn't, and she survives, I want all us to shiver for a moment and
>> realize that we live in a world of miracles which, though not offering
>> eternity, makes our small eternity longer, more bearable, and, not to be
>> dismissed, never without hope. Remember, hope was the last of the
>> sprites Pandora let out of the box.
>> I do not intend to blame all this on women, understand.
>> I've given Bill all your good will. He says he wants no one by him, but
>> I may not be able to resist driving down there tonight and will post an
>> email this evening to all concerning the progress or lack thereof.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jim Adams
>> PS, don't forget to send this out. I had to borrow a nurse
>> practitioner's email to send out, as mine will recieve but not send.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Latest News......From Doctor Jim.


Wednesday, 1/23/08

The 6 pm update is that there IS no update. Bill apparently went to sleep at his doctor daughter's house. Her name is Mary. Karen is stable, and I am more optimistic. Tomorrow, they'll try getting her off the respirator, and we should know something. I'm going down there at some time, probably the afternoon so Signe can go with me.

It's anyone's guess at this point. All of you know about as much as the neurosurgeon, and the Gomer Pyle methodology of slamming two fingers on the table and seeing which one tingles the most is about as good as the science at this stage. I've got my quarter bet on recovery.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

I'll write again in the morning.



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
I 'am praying hard for you and Karen. Stay strong and keep believing Karen will pull through. Mick and I are thinking of you both and I fervently hope all will be well.
God bless you both

Robin (hairy's mrs)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Latest news has Karen improving. Long way to go.....but going the right direction.