It iz a good thing we dont carry no insurance up at the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic. If we did, Miz Bear mite git a ambulance chasin' lawyer 'n come after me. These big city doctors kept askin' if she wuz allergic. That iz a mitey hard question ta answer. I forgot the codeine. She tole me she caint take it, but I plum fergot. A few days ago they tole me they gave her some. I got scairt. I tole 'em I recalled she didnt take to it very well. She overheard that 'n I gotta eat standin' up fer a while.
The bad time yesterday may have been the codeine. Without tellin' me, they stopped it. Now she iz hurtin' bad, but dont see no more spiders and "floaty" things on the ceiling.
Permanent shunt Wed. Other than pain in her neck 'n back, her mind aint no worse than before....she even begun ta recall a few things frum the day before. I hate ta feel good, cuz ever time I do, the dang roller coaster takes off downhill, but I figger the worst ahead iz how many more ass chewings I git fer that codeine.
Mick, I need a uppercut....a big one.
Ole Sam, he used me bad. I aint really hiz anyway. He jest traded some skunk pelts for me. Janie