islandpiper said:
There's always the chance if you go into a rehab joint you might meet some famous people like Brittany Spears or somebody.
Friend piper,
I see they took Brittany off ta the nervous hospital. However, I run inta a nurse here who must be a gymnast. She wuz here when we first come in....back when the doctor tole me how bad it looked fer Miz Bear. It wuz 2 'er 3 a.m. 'n I musta been more wore out than I knew cuz I hardly noticed her. I reckon I wuz the one who wuz near bout brain dead.
Been thinkin' bout askin' her fer a jpeg, but I figger some of ya'll lust enuff az it iz. When I git Miz Bear out of the ICU, I aim ta set up a job talk with this nurse ta see if she likes campin', fartin', snorin', eatin' MRE's, restin', sippin' whiskey, geezers, etc. Havin' her along on expedishuns would likely do more good than a GPS. I figger it iz danged reckless ta set out without a nurse. If she caint go, I'll see if she haz a sister. :wink:
Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever. Unknown high school student