I have started the Bayou Skiff from Uncle John.......
Anyone who has made a Uncle John Pirogue will know this picture but there is something different in it. Only one stem piece and a big , wide chunk for the back called a transom , also the base of the ribs are longer.
I have epoxy saturated the inside of the transom and will do the same with the side panels and bottom as progress proceeds. Off to Home Depot in the morning to get the plywood........This way everything inside the boat will be glassed as it is put together. ( I hate glassing the inside and with more ribs in the Skiff .... this looks like the best bet for me to do ).
Monday , I will be calling Larry at Raka and getting the three gallon epoxy kit , one fast and one slow on the hardener to make a medium hardener. Since I am just about out of epoxy.
1...Also getting 4 oz glass , 5 yards , of the 30 inch to do the sides and transom (inside ) with before attaching them.
2...The 40 inch , 6 oz glass ( 4 yards) to do just the outside of the bottom with before doing the whole outside of the boat , I want double glass on the outside of the bottom since I do not plan on the skegs/runners on the bottom.... I want it as slick as a baby's bottom
3...Then the 4oz glass at 60 inches and 5 yards to eventually do the outside ,sides and transom with at one time.
4...Going to try the Maple Flour this time since it is darker for the fillets on the inside and outside ( Yes Outside) of the boat.
5...Getting 10 yards of the 3 inch tape in case I need it for sealing stuff and reinforcing it.
........ Not sure of the coating on the bottom , it's a toss up between the Interlux Teflon Poly paint or epoxy and graphite ... either makes a tough and slippery bottom. ( I'll figure that out later when I have to cross that bridge )
Also I do not plan on the seat boards ( At this time ) since the seat Uncle John has and I dreamed up can be raised ( or done like beekeerer did with a riser under it ) and used in the skiff or the pirogue you have.... I like the idea of a movable seat that can be set across the one rib to row it looking back or just turned around when rowing forward ( two sets of oar locks would be needed , I am getting three ) . Then the rest of the time it can be moved to balance the boat when sailing or using the motor.
Plus without the seats being permanently attached to the sides , it opens the boat up for camping for one person. Just run it up on a sand bar or mud flat and set up a cot in it for the night. Providing there is no where to hang a hammock..... Yes , that can happen to you when on the water.
Yep... Three sets of oar locks ........ No I will not say what the third one is for at this time.
The rub rail , on the outside is going to be two 1 1/2 by 1/4 inch and 16 foot long lattice strips epoxied saturated and the epoxied and glassed together giving me 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 for them with no joints anywhere in there , one solid chunk and laminated which should be stronger. More work on my part but this is going to be a slow build and I have the time to do it.
As I have said , this is a slow and deliberate build so don't be looking for updates every day. I figure that just attaching the bottom to the sides and ribs ( a simple one day process ) will take 4 or 5 days the way I am thinking of doing it.
Different thoughts , for there needs..........
All the guy's have a different way of doing it , I will stay with the original idea but make some changes for my needs , not to the original design/shape , just how it will be completed for me. The more ways it can be done , all the better for anyone wanting to make one , there way.
Trust me on this , All of us ( sometimes) make the 1st one the way it should be then we say ... What if I do this or that .... Then we make another one that way. Heck we have that 1st one to use while building the other. :wink:
PS , I hope it is not a secret but Larry ( the owner ) at Raka is also building a Bayou Skiff. If you have no idea of what a Bayou Skiff is that we are talking about then click here.
http://www.unclejohns.com/bysk14 When there then go down to pictures from builders for more to look at.
Anyone who has made a Uncle John Pirogue will know this picture but there is something different in it. Only one stem piece and a big , wide chunk for the back called a transom , also the base of the ribs are longer.
I have epoxy saturated the inside of the transom and will do the same with the side panels and bottom as progress proceeds. Off to Home Depot in the morning to get the plywood........This way everything inside the boat will be glassed as it is put together. ( I hate glassing the inside and with more ribs in the Skiff .... this looks like the best bet for me to do ).
Monday , I will be calling Larry at Raka and getting the three gallon epoxy kit , one fast and one slow on the hardener to make a medium hardener. Since I am just about out of epoxy.
1...Also getting 4 oz glass , 5 yards , of the 30 inch to do the sides and transom (inside ) with before attaching them.
2...The 40 inch , 6 oz glass ( 4 yards) to do just the outside of the bottom with before doing the whole outside of the boat , I want double glass on the outside of the bottom since I do not plan on the skegs/runners on the bottom.... I want it as slick as a baby's bottom
3...Then the 4oz glass at 60 inches and 5 yards to eventually do the outside ,sides and transom with at one time.
4...Going to try the Maple Flour this time since it is darker for the fillets on the inside and outside ( Yes Outside) of the boat.
5...Getting 10 yards of the 3 inch tape in case I need it for sealing stuff and reinforcing it.
........ Not sure of the coating on the bottom , it's a toss up between the Interlux Teflon Poly paint or epoxy and graphite ... either makes a tough and slippery bottom. ( I'll figure that out later when I have to cross that bridge )
Also I do not plan on the seat boards ( At this time ) since the seat Uncle John has and I dreamed up can be raised ( or done like beekeerer did with a riser under it ) and used in the skiff or the pirogue you have.... I like the idea of a movable seat that can be set across the one rib to row it looking back or just turned around when rowing forward ( two sets of oar locks would be needed , I am getting three ) . Then the rest of the time it can be moved to balance the boat when sailing or using the motor.
Plus without the seats being permanently attached to the sides , it opens the boat up for camping for one person. Just run it up on a sand bar or mud flat and set up a cot in it for the night. Providing there is no where to hang a hammock..... Yes , that can happen to you when on the water.
Yep... Three sets of oar locks ........ No I will not say what the third one is for at this time.
The rub rail , on the outside is going to be two 1 1/2 by 1/4 inch and 16 foot long lattice strips epoxied saturated and the epoxied and glassed together giving me 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 for them with no joints anywhere in there , one solid chunk and laminated which should be stronger. More work on my part but this is going to be a slow build and I have the time to do it.
As I have said , this is a slow and deliberate build so don't be looking for updates every day. I figure that just attaching the bottom to the sides and ribs ( a simple one day process ) will take 4 or 5 days the way I am thinking of doing it.
Different thoughts , for there needs..........
All the guy's have a different way of doing it , I will stay with the original idea but make some changes for my needs , not to the original design/shape , just how it will be completed for me. The more ways it can be done , all the better for anyone wanting to make one , there way.
Trust me on this , All of us ( sometimes) make the 1st one the way it should be then we say ... What if I do this or that .... Then we make another one that way. Heck we have that 1st one to use while building the other. :wink:
PS , I hope it is not a secret but Larry ( the owner ) at Raka is also building a Bayou Skiff. If you have no idea of what a Bayou Skiff is that we are talking about then click here.
http://www.unclejohns.com/bysk14 When there then go down to pictures from builders for more to look at.