There is an 870 with an 18" cylinder bore rifle sight barrel already in the house, with #4 buck and rifled slugs near it. Also a 9, a 40, and two different .357s scattered about where my wife and I know where to find them. (I don't know that I actually NEED that many ready for work, but I own them, and the concensus between the two of us was that they might as well be scattered around and ready.
If some nutcase kicks our door in while we are home, looking to rob us (which has actually happened around Atlanta lately, and not just in bad neighborhoods) they are in for a nasty surprise.
I figure the 870 is as much as anyone needs for home defense. If you call yourself defending the home, you aren't doing anything that calls for any more reach than a 12 gauge provides (that might vary according to what sort of homestead you live on - I live in a subdivision on a less than one acre lot).
So "Home Defense Rifle" probably wasn't the right title for this post.
The idea with getting a middleweight, high capacity rifle is to have it available if things ever get really wierd. The kind of wierd that all off us hope we never see.
The thing is that you never know what is going to happen. I keep a fire extinguisher around the house - several, actually. Never in my life pulled the pin on one. Never needed one. Keep them around, though.
Think about what happened to Germany between the wars. An educated, civilized, industrialized nation. Place went utterly to Heck in a handbasket and a bunch of raving lunitics took control - not by force, but by winning elections! Japan, same kind of deal. At least their leaders weren't stuffing their own citizens into gas chambers, but they were a pack of fruitcakes, none the less. And once again, that was a civilized, industrialized, educated country, just like ours.
Now I'm not predicting anything like that for us. I'm not THAT worried about the pack of jack@$%ses we have in Washington. Far as I can tell, these aren't that type.
So maybe that better explains the kind of rifle I'm talking about, what it would be for. For gathering dust in a closet, I hope.
By the way, I appreciate the enthusiastic response on this. Getting opinions out of you guys is usually like pulling teeth. Can't get anyone to open up and say what they think. Bunch of wallflowers in here.