Dutch Oven Practice | SouthernPaddler.com

Dutch Oven Practice


Well-Known Member
I got the new 12: DO out today and broke it in with a big chicken.

Here it is , raw, sitting in a nest of dressing mix.

On goes the lid, with coals on top and under the oven:

And just a couple hours later, with no muss, no fuss:


Now, that's some GOOD EATS!!


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Aye god, Joey, I still think ole Piper San would make some man a good wife some day. S'pose he can clean windows too?

Piper San is a good cook, I can vouch for that. He does camp food like no other I've camped with. (Shoots tolerably well, but - what the heck - anybody who can look at just one target and see 32 - ought to be able to hit at least ONE of'em!)


Well-Known Member
Matt, never throw good stuff away! That was the base unit off my old Brinkman Smoker. Makes a nice place to use the dutch oven in the carport. Out in the swamp I just set it in the fire pit area. Further, i have a grate that fits the base and can use it as an open top charcoal grill. When it burns out, i'll toss it.



Well-Known Member
Yup, Bayou Classic. Little heavier built than my old one , probably a loss of technology between 1890 and 2009.

Moose, eh? Ya got ''cher canned moose, yer fired moose, moose fricasse, moose pie, ground moose, moose burgers, .....etc, etc etc.....



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I went up to Liberty this morning to crack about 25 lbs. of pecans for my Mother. Louie's store up there is interesting. In the front they have a grocery store and in the back they have a sporting goods- hardware store. In the fall they set the pecan cracking machines out. While the pecans were being cracked I went in to sook at their cast iorn. They carry Lodge brand and have castiorn things I don't know what they are for. They have a 16qt Dutch Oven for $142.00. Just how many people would you have to cook for to use a 16 qt DO. That thing was huge, on feet with a lipped lid and all. Big enough to bath a baby in.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Actually, practice only makes us consistent. Performance may be consistently good - or it may be consistently mediocre.
PERFECT practice makes us perfect.

I tend to hover, pretty consistently, in the mediocre range. But, I'm damned good at it!