You might be asking the wrong person .... I know which one works the best for me.
All I use is the Permethrin , I spray it on my clothing, hang them on a line and let them dry. The slacks are sprayed inside the legs up to about where the knees would be. Socks and shoes are also sprayed. It is for clothing and is not to be sprayed on a person.
You can purchase clothing today from several places that have already treated there clothing with it...They say there clothing is good for 50 washings , I would rather do it myself just before I go camping.
If there is one tick in a five acre field he will find me so this is my way to be camping tick free. I should have done that today but did not think I would be tramping around in the woods ....WRONG. I went to Tosohatchee State Reserve for some woods bumming and located this good looking area, parked the jeep and went for a hike, saw a couple of Wild Turkeys (Hens) and one hog at the same time they saw me. "O" Well no pictures today.
When I got back to the jeep I found five ticks on myself. Told you they like me.
Out camping if a tick gets on your outfit he is dead, it also repels (kills) mosquitoes and biting bugs. All they have to do is land on it and whamo they are goners. One spraying is usually good for two weeks.
Hanging a hammock you are usually into some sort of underbrush and that is where the blood suckers like to hang out so the spray gets rid of them before they can get you. I have sprayed the outside of my tent , about a foot up from the bottom but haven't sprayed the hammock , it does not touch the ground or weeds.
When I was doing my lectures, talks, gab fests or just BS Scission (You choose one of them) about the Outdoor Opportunities (Camping & Paddling) here in Florida I would have a can of it to pass around so folks knew what I was talking about and see the light.
The one I like is the REPEL Permanone (green can) It is a clothing & gear insect repellent (Do not apply to skin) Unscented two week protection, repels and kills Mosquitoes, Ticks & Mites.
1..... DO NOT SPRAY your clothing for
two weeks after the 1st application. Residual protection lasts a mimimum of two weeks.
2......Wash your clothing at lease three times before retreating it after the two week time limit.
Active ingredients
Permethrin ............ 0.05%
Other Ingredients 99.5%
It makes DEET look like something that the Cave Men used , heck spraying deet around is so easy even Jack could do it. Bet you thought I was going to say a cave man could do it..... I sort of did that. :lol: :lol: :lol: