DEET vs Permethrin | Page 2 |

DEET vs Permethrin


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have been told that the Seminole Indians eat the Gar fish because it is really high in B-12 and that keeps the skeeters away from them. Plus it keeps everyone else away.

I was also told that if you have a lot of the spirited drink (80 proof or higher) when out camping it makes the skeeters fly slower so they are easy to swat. It is rumored that Scotch makes them fly into the campfire and then explode in a little ball of flame.

Bear , I am not sure about the flea collars keeping the ticks away but this one lady told me they work really good and she would never go in the woods without hers on.
Later ... I found out she was down here on vacation ( from up north ) and knew Jack. :roll:



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
Has anybody tried this yet? It's main ingredient is B-12.
I was given some, but haven't tried them yet, for some reason I dont seem to get bit by the bugs.
The person who gave them to me swears by them.

One product my girlfriend will swear by as a bug repellent is a ThermaCELL.
Keeps mosquitoes and nosee-ums away. We use it at the campsites.




Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
You might be better off just getting a B-12 shot from your Doctor..... Besides it would help your blood , from being anemic ( Low in B-12 ) builds up the iron in your system.

Back in the old days , the folks and I would go down to the Glades with a friend of ours who was a surgeon , all of us would take a couple of injections of the B-12..... Yep , it does work. Makes you stink but does work , especially a high percentage of it like you get from a couple of injections........

It worked for us ........ not saying it would for you , everyone is different.

PS... The injections are put into the part of your antinomy you sit on.... drop them and say OUCH. :lol:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
My reading says that whilst iron is good for women, it leads to strokes in men.

I know that citronella candles have a radius of effectiveness of somewhere between a quarter of an inch and a three quarters of an inch. Without a doubt the most silly, ineffectual thing ever foisted on the mosquito repellent public.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2006
South Texas
When I was a kid we would take Garlic tablets before going camping.

You could see the ticks crawling across the leaves/ground but we never got any "attached" to us.

I like getting my 'ol lady to "check" me out after going camping/hunting. She looks like a dang monkey combing through all my hair.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
OK, looks like I may have been a bit misguided. In HEAVY infestations of bugs, BOTH permethrin on clothing and DEET on the body are the best bet. Chuckie promised the bugs in the Glades will be armed with 20mm cannons, firing API w/ tracers every 7th round.

What DEET products do you guys find best?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
In the Army, we had those little 4 ounce plastic containers. High concentration of DEET. Seemed to work. Hell. that was almost 40 years ago! I don't know if they even sell it in that high of concentration anymore. For the Glades, I bought the Repel Sun & Bug at Gander Mountain.
A cream combonation of sun block and DEET. I opened the lid and you can smell the DEET in the stuff. I was worried if I bought two seperate containers, one might rub the other off during application. I only plan on having my hands and face exposed. I'm wearing supplex shirt and pants per Sparkys suggestion. Heck, if it don't work, I'll just use it for butter and fry Chucks tofu omlette in it for his breakfast!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

Miz Bear sez she started takin' B 12 when her boy went off ta the Gulf War #1. Skeeters bit her. Three years ago she started takin' B 1. Skeeters aint bit her since. I seen it. They wuz eatin' me alive last summer 'n I called her out. She come out 'n jest like in them ole tv commercials, they left her alone.

I been takin' B 1 bout a month now. So far no skeeter haz bit me, but they aint really come out yet. I suck down my share of garlic, but it never kept the skeeters off me. So far aint been bit by a mebbe garlic does some good?


And I took the butcher knife and put it up to her neck. I said if you want to live to see tomorrow, you better start fryin' them eggs a little bit better then what you a fryin' em....I'm tired of eatin' sloppy, slimy eggs! Jesco White