The Shade Tree Medikle Clinic jest put out a warnin' fer the hard headed......geezers. If ya like ta drink whiskey, cold beer, Dago Red, fermented potato juice, moonshine, shoe polish, etc. DO NOT take Tylenol. I been out workin' hard at honest work [homemade work bench]....with my hands 'n back....in the heat....2.7 days straight. The first 9 hour day wore me smooth out. I tole a pal of mine I wuz swallowin' Tylenol with a big drink of fine sippin' whiskey.....jest ta git by. He went ta the Bodine Dope School 'n sez "dont do it.....[like that time when Private Ryan 'n hiz brothers went out ta the barn 'n spoilt hiz brothers good time with that gal who looked like she fell outta the ugly tree 'n hit ever limb on the way down]....sez they dont mix....will kill ya sho. [Livers dont like either one, but together it iz kinda like a pro rassler/football player/homerun king on dope.]
I did not come in on a load of watermelons. I knew that acetamenophenonmemennon dope wuz bad on yer liver, terrible if ya mixed it with a high dollar martini 'er Sterno, but I jest caint take aspirin 'n the other low dollar pain killin' dope cuz they turn my stomach inta somethin' even Hannibal the Cannibal wont eat.
Yesterday I went downtown ta help some folks who jest lost their rowdy daughter at 44. Her liver give out, then the kidneys, then everthin' shut down. She used ta work fer my brother til she went on disability. Now I hear that she took a heap a Tylenol....'n drunk her share. I been tryin' ta help her family out.
I aint tellin' ya'll ta quit takin' Tylenol. Far az I kin see it iz good dope. But if ya like a drink in the evenin', better make sho ya got a will, a health care directive 'n good insurance if ya take it purty reglar. I dont plan ta take no more of it.
that iz all.
That all men are created equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane individual has ever given his assent. Aldous Huxley
The Shade Tree Medikle Clinic jest put out a warnin' fer the hard headed......geezers. If ya like ta drink whiskey, cold beer, Dago Red, fermented potato juice, moonshine, shoe polish, etc. DO NOT take Tylenol. I been out workin' hard at honest work [homemade work bench]....with my hands 'n back....in the heat....2.7 days straight. The first 9 hour day wore me smooth out. I tole a pal of mine I wuz swallowin' Tylenol with a big drink of fine sippin' whiskey.....jest ta git by. He went ta the Bodine Dope School 'n sez "dont do it.....[like that time when Private Ryan 'n hiz brothers went out ta the barn 'n spoilt hiz brothers good time with that gal who looked like she fell outta the ugly tree 'n hit ever limb on the way down]....sez they dont mix....will kill ya sho. [Livers dont like either one, but together it iz kinda like a pro rassler/football player/homerun king on dope.]
I did not come in on a load of watermelons. I knew that acetamenophenonmemennon dope wuz bad on yer liver, terrible if ya mixed it with a high dollar martini 'er Sterno, but I jest caint take aspirin 'n the other low dollar pain killin' dope cuz they turn my stomach inta somethin' even Hannibal the Cannibal wont eat.
Yesterday I went downtown ta help some folks who jest lost their rowdy daughter at 44. Her liver give out, then the kidneys, then everthin' shut down. She used ta work fer my brother til she went on disability. Now I hear that she took a heap a Tylenol....'n drunk her share. I been tryin' ta help her family out.
I aint tellin' ya'll ta quit takin' Tylenol. Far az I kin see it iz good dope. But if ya like a drink in the evenin', better make sho ya got a will, a health care directive 'n good insurance if ya take it purty reglar. I dont plan ta take no more of it.
that iz all.
That all men are created equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane individual has ever given his assent. Aldous Huxley