Beware the Ides of Tylenol |

Beware the Ides of Tylenol


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

The Shade Tree Medikle Clinic jest put out a warnin' fer the hard headed......geezers. If ya like ta drink whiskey, cold beer, Dago Red, fermented potato juice, moonshine, shoe polish, etc. DO NOT take Tylenol. I been out workin' hard at honest work [homemade work bench]....with my hands 'n the heat....2.7 days straight. The first 9 hour day wore me smooth out. I tole a pal of mine I wuz swallowin' Tylenol with a big drink of fine sippin' whiskey.....jest ta git by. He went ta the Bodine Dope School 'n sez "dont do it.....[like that time when Private Ryan 'n hiz brothers went out ta the barn 'n spoilt hiz brothers good time with that gal who looked like she fell outta the ugly tree 'n hit ever limb on the way down]....sez they dont mix....will kill ya sho. [Livers dont like either one, but together it iz kinda like a pro rassler/football player/homerun king on dope.]

I did not come in on a load of watermelons. I knew that acetamenophenonmemennon dope wuz bad on yer liver, terrible if ya mixed it with a high dollar martini 'er Sterno, but I jest caint take aspirin 'n the other low dollar pain killin' dope cuz they turn my stomach inta somethin' even Hannibal the Cannibal wont eat.

Yesterday I went downtown ta help some folks who jest lost their rowdy daughter at 44. Her liver give out, then the kidneys, then everthin' shut down. She used ta work fer my brother til she went on disability. Now I hear that she took a heap a Tylenol....'n drunk her share. I been tryin' ta help her family out.

I aint tellin' ya'll ta quit takin' Tylenol. Far az I kin see it iz good dope. But if ya like a drink in the evenin', better make sho ya got a will, a health care directive 'n good insurance if ya take it purty reglar. I dont plan ta take no more of it.

that iz all.

That all men are created equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane individual has ever given his assent.  Aldous Huxley

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Putting Tylenol with good whiskey, is like adding salt to beer - it greatly improves the flavor of the salt.

Thanks for the warning. Going to get some lime juice n rum... and maybe some honey to. cough cough hack


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
Let's see. I gotta give up either Tylenol or whiskey.


OK. That was easy.

I'll check the forum again later. I gotta go put some Jim Beam on the rocks.


ps I firmly maintain that a light dash of salt in a cold glass of beer is a fine thing. Got the habit from my father, who is a natural born Yankee. Same guy who taught me that grits are a perfectly edible breakfast food if you have sense enough to put some sugar on them. :D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
A pain reliever is OK, I guess, but there are disadvantages with all of them. Pain tells us that damage is being done. A pain reliever can mask the fact that we are accelerating our own destruction.

If it isn't a constant pain, and happens only when we do certain activities, we can choose to modify those activities to stop causing that damage, and stop causing our own pain. Obviously, not all pain sources are that gracious. But, some are.

Whiskey, on hte other hand, merely makes us oblivious to hte whole world.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Kayak Jack said:
A pain reliever is OK, I guess, but there are disadvantages with all of them. Pain tells us that damage is being done. A pain reliever can mask the fact that we are accelerating our own destruction.

Kind of like cutting the wire on the "low oil" light, eh, Jack?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Kayak Jack said:
Whiskey, on the other hand, merely makes us oblivious to the whole world.
I see ya got some medikle learnin' too.

Reminds me of that Ole Hank Cochran song.

[C] Make The World Go A-[F] way ... [G7]
And get it off my [C] shoulders
Say the things you used to [F] say ... [G7]
And Make The World Go A-[C] way [F] [C]

[C] Do you remember when you [G7] loved me
Before the world took me a-[C] stray
If you do then for-[F] give me
[G7] And Make The World Go A-[C] way. [F] [C]


I'm sorry if I hurt you
I'll make it up - day by day
Just say you love me like you used to
And Make The World Go Away.

I put the guitar chords in there in case any pickers wanna play 'n sing that Eddy Arnold done a long time back.


Chief: My pop was real big.  He did like he pleased.  That's why everybody worked on him.  The last time I seen my father, he was blind and diseased from drinking.  And every time he put the bottle to his mouth, he don't suck out of it, it sucks out of him until he shrunk so wrinkled and yellow even the dogs didn't know him.
McMurphy: Killed him, huh?
Chief: I'm not saying they killed him.  They just worked on him.  The way they're working on you.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
jdupre' said:
Kind of like cutting the wire on the "low oil" light, eh, Jack?
Yeah, I guess that - though pain hurts and I hate it - some pain is a reminder to not do that particular maneuver. Just have to guard against (1) not moving at all, and (2) not limping so bad that it hurts something else that was working OK before I limped.

Also, ya have to be on guard for demented players of bag pipes (are there any other kind?) who like to play at "alarm clock". I'm thinking of slipping ex-lax into his chicken stew next time out.


Well-Known Member
Well, i just boxed up my last half-bottle of whiskey and two dozen Tylenols (TM).....and have them all set to send to my least favorite politician. Any suggestions how i can get him to take them together? I don't know that he has a pain in the butt.......however, he has certainly BECOME one.