Before startin, a bit of prep work was required. The other boats were getting in the way , so.
There is a perfectly good wall on the shed.
some $ spent. A few 2/4s and some old carpet and
A perfect resting place between trips.
For this boat, I am going to try to keep the weight around 40 - 45 lbs. For a boat that will be 14.5 ft that should be possible.
The boat will be cedar strip with ash gunnels and thwarts. Ash frame with cane seat.
Stems will be an ash/oak lay up.
OK lets get started. Wood present. Saw set up. Two hours later, lots of sawdust and strips all over the shed .
Tomorow I will start on router work for the bead and cove.
Many people will say that one feather board is not enough. That may be true for someone who is building a $4000.00 boat to sell and needs "perfect" strips. For me the one works and after all was done, there was at most a 1/32 varaince in thickness in the ramdom strips I checked
To keep weight down, I am going to use 3/16ths strips as opposed to the 1/4 that seams to be standard. The boat will be used on lakes and slow moving water so rock busting will be avoided and the strength should be ok.