Micks mishap got me to thinking, are we bracing our boats the wrong way we put a lot more glass and resin on the outside than we do the inside. Some of us are just tapping the seams and epoxy saturating the wood on the inside, putting heavier cloth on the outside more coats of resin the epoxy and graphite
If you take a piece of ply glass both side then hit it with a object it will bend and the fracture on the side opposite the force of the blow (inside the boat) the side that takes the lick can give the opposite side is under tension just like the face of a bow it stretches till it breaks, maybe we need heavier glass on the inside and lighter on the outside where wear is more important.
My boats are built with 4 mm bottom and 3 mm sides so far so good.
maybe we should be thinking outside hull built for wear inside hull built for strength
What you think guys
If you take a piece of ply glass both side then hit it with a object it will bend and the fracture on the side opposite the force of the blow (inside the boat) the side that takes the lick can give the opposite side is under tension just like the face of a bow it stretches till it breaks, maybe we need heavier glass on the inside and lighter on the outside where wear is more important.
My boats are built with 4 mm bottom and 3 mm sides so far so good.
maybe we should be thinking outside hull built for wear inside hull built for strength
What you think guys