think you're on the right track Mick,
impact resistance is improved in a couple of ways
1. absorb the shock, bend but don't break - this is why cars have plastic panels, they absornb the impact
2. be stiff enough to not bend, IIRC stiffness of wood goes up by the cube, so twice as thick is 8 times as stiff
while wooden boats can be flexible, pinning the panels down with epoxy and glass tends to make it stiffer. for the style boats ya'll are building, you need to be stiffer (option 2)
impact resistance is improved in a couple of ways
1. absorb the shock, bend but don't break - this is why cars have plastic panels, they absornb the impact
2. be stiff enough to not bend, IIRC stiffness of wood goes up by the cube, so twice as thick is 8 times as stiff
while wooden boats can be flexible, pinning the panels down with epoxy and glass tends to make it stiffer. for the style boats ya'll are building, you need to be stiffer (option 2)