I'm back!
Still don't know what happened to the piccies. I am a IT idiot.
As I was saying before, took the girl for a walk in the local wier today, to sort out seating. I had so much fun, I just kept paddling. did the length of the weir and back ( about 6 miles each way) and was really sorry to see it come to an end.
Stability is immense, she tracks straight and manouverability was remarkable. I could turn her 180 degrees in her own length with two forward strokes on one side and one backward stroke on the other. I have never seen anything like it.
Re the stability, I was sitting on 8 inch foam blocks about a foot behind the centre of the boat and there was no hint of tippyness.
Re tracking, - beautiful. no sign of weathercocking at all. She did seem a little flighty on each stroke with a canoe paddle. I could only manage 3 strokes on each side before I needed to change sides to straighten her up. When using a kayak paddle, there was no problem.
In short, I just love my swampgirl. I made a few mistakes when building her and she was only ever going to be a practice boat. I have learnt a lot from this and the next swampgirl will be much better. Until then, I will finish her off and she will become my boat of choice for fishing and touring skinny water.
a couple of piccies.
Loaded up