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  1. S

    Bottom Attached! Sort of?

    Great save. Your son learned valuable building saavy. One step closer to an expert. 8)
  2. S

    this looks terrible

    Good thing is, I got no bubbles and the glass laid down nicely, fully soaking the wood underneath. Figure might as well apply another coat tomorrow evening if Im gonna be sanding my brains out sooner or later anyway. Still have some visible weave I don't wanna sand through. Temps in my shop...
  3. S

    this looks terrible

    Ah yes, hi-build primer, that's the ticket! 8) My immediate concern is whether I should: a)apply another coat of epoxy before this one cures or b)wait till it cures, sand it smooth, and apply more when it's warmer Pretty sure it was too cool for the epoxy to spread properly. Hovered...
  4. S

    this looks terrible

    This aint the worst of it. The whole thing looks that way. Guess I'm in for alotta sanding. :( Got the bottom and three inches up the side glassed, and coated the exterior with epoxy. Glad to have that much done. Guess I'll be painting it white or similar color that hides flaws. The...
  5. S

    gettin' there

    Steve you were my inspiration with the stem blocks. 8) Dunno if Caney fork has whitewater, expect it does somewhere. I'm about 3 hours from the Ocoee. I more or less stumbled across the lake several years ago when I saw a sign for Edgar Evins State Park and followed the road. It's a neat...
  6. S

    gettin' there

    Bearridge, first float will probably be Center Hill Lake, which is the dammed up Caney Fork River near Smithville, TN.
  7. S

    gettin' there

    It's a piece of 2x4 glued to the front that needs to be shaped into a non-box. :lol: Gotta luv the sunshine. 8) First really nice weather we've had. Glad to see spring approaching. Guess you guys down under are headin' into winter. Fall is a good season too.
  8. S

    gettin' there

    Just a few progress pics made last weekend. Cut my own stem pieces, so guess I need to round them before glassing the bottom. Might get sidetracked sanding inside so it'll be ready for a coat of epoxy too. Getting sidetracked is ok. Keep telling myself it's the process I enjoy as much as...
  9. S

    UJ Pirogue update

    Lookin' good VT. 8) I'm unsure whether I'll install inner rub rails. Afraid the weight on this thing will keep adding up to where cartopping is a chore. Guess they can be added later if desired. Luv the way they look.
  10. S

    wavy bottom edge

    Yep, all by my lonesome. You should browse a bit on the Teardrops and Tiny Travel Trailers forum. We got a few teardroppers in Australia. Great info and stuff.
  11. S

    wavy bottom edge

    No prob Mick. :) Glad to hear the US ain't the only place in the world with incompetent byurokrats.
  12. S

    Positioning the sides

    VT, you need to flip that stem over. It's upside down.
  13. S

    wavy bottom edge

    Used drywall screws to tighten down against some temporary chine logs and was able to get the worst of the waves out. Got a pretty uniform curve now. Not perfect but close enough and much better than before. 8)
  14. S

    wavy bottom edge

    Anyone else have this problem? Think my solution will be some temporary chine logs screwed in through the sides until the bottom is attached and cured. Then the logs can be removed and the wave will be gone. On one hand I'm tempted to go ahead and attach the bottom because this will...
  15. S

    rib mounting question

    Should all three ribs on UJ pirogue be mounted at 90 degrees to the waterline, or should the two outter ribs be slanted inward 90 degrees to rocker? It's a minor point since there's so little rocker on this boat. I'm just wondering how most folks do it. Most pics looks like they're all...
  16. S

    got a webpage goin'

    Thanks for the comments. It's a fun little trailer. Pretty slow to build and now that it's done I'm looking for a little less delayed gratification...thus the pirogue. Expect to be paddlin' before warm weather arrives. 8) :D
  17. S

    A Comfortable Pirogue (Boat) seat ..ya can make

    Gonna make a great replacement for my teardrop chair. Multi-use is a wonderful thing. 8)
  18. S

    my first mistake

    Yeah I think so. Also gonna remove a few things temporarily, or even permanently. Good opportunity to toss some junk. Should free up a foot or two, then angled a bit should do it. Some luan looks peachy pink to me, but the darn stuff looks pretty good finished, have ta say.
  19. S

    my first mistake

    If you can call it that. I got this huge 16-foot piece of ply for the floor and nowhere to put it! Shoulda just butt jointed the two 8-footers at a rib, that woulda been better (or just as good as) scarfing. It's too wet and windy to store outside and my shop is just barely big enough to...
  20. S

    A personal Question

    If a man cusses in his workshop and there's no one there to hear...that's sorta like a tree falling in the forest. :wink: Ya gotta let off steam somehow, or you'll get all kinds of bad stuff like high blood pressure and heart problems. So, cuss and be healthy. 8)