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  1. I

    Exploring Grand Bayou

    I have flown over the many pipelines in this area, marsh, swamp and woods, and along highways with the guy who does aerial inspections. I've walked and skied on the pipelines in Michigan...... In La, the many little cuts in the marshes give the gators and fish a place to travel and eat. in...
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    Exploring Grand Bayou

    Dang, wish i had been there, too. piper
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    Bought a great new stove

    I just bought this from St. Paul Mercantile via Amazon. They are a real good "family" operation, you'll never get shuffled off to their robot phone desk. Fast service and they KNOW THEIR PRODUCTS!! It was affordable, just $35 for a real stove....well, here's the review i wrote there...
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    Winter camping in a hammock

    Around here we don't dig snow caves. Still, i have had several toasty nights in my Hennessey when the outside temp was 17 degrees like this: 1. buy the winter kit for the hammock, with the under cover, the foam (interlayer) pad and use a mylar space blanket in the inter layer. 2.forget the...
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    Question on cooking Crawchie southern style

    Matt, i got to a number of Door County Fish Boils. that whole FLAME UP thing started out as a way to boil the fat off the top of the pot, but soon became a way to impress the tourists from Illinois with some rural shock and awe. I was always told it was gasoline....and we saw it dumped a...
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    ACR ResQlink PLB/EPIRB $237

    If you are in trouble Jack just having a bunch of guys on Choppers show up may not help that much. Maybe you could reprogram it so that the USCG would come with a helicopter or something. piper
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    Hey all, need a wee favor

    GLOSSY COVER, Jack, just like you......and plain inside. heh heh heh piper
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    Hey all, need a wee favor

    Just so you all know, the book will be out in paper, 6x9 inch standard size, glossy cover and all. It will then follow in Kindle version for folks who just don't buy paper anymore. There are advantages and disadvantages either way. When i travel, my Kindle has over 400 books on it (mostly...
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    Hey all, need a wee favor

    We're headed on the fast track (finally) to get KITCHEN STORIES From The Iron Lake Fishing Club in to the printer. I now have a Preview Page up with a survey attached. I wonder if you can take a minute, read the sample and the description and then fill in the survey? Thanks!! Piper...
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    ONE soup

    sometimes i make a little roux , like 2 Tbls , to thicken it up a little, makes nice gravy and then it's not a clear soup anymore. Simple is the key though. No extreme ingredients or fancy measurements. Even on a bad day I can count to ONE. piper
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    ONE soup

    Good winter or summer, at home or out at camp: One chicken back , saved out of a whole chicken, or one leg-quarter One potato, washed, not peeled , cut into 1/2" cubes One stalk of celery, chopped One large carrot, scraped and chopped One onion, peeled and chopped One can of diced tomatoes...
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    This is not about safety.....this is about control of the peons, i.e., you and i: ... ce-safety/
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    And, a .50-Cal

    I got to sit about 40-feet from a fellow sighting in a 50-cal over the weekend. I did a really good job of shaking the dust off my pant's legs. The concussion wave starts at the rifle and you can SEE it pass over the grass and camp fire ashes. You can FEEL it when it hits you. Sort of...
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    Another old Benjamin

    Mo.......lots of ways to graft on to an existing piece of wood. Have you thought about a nice, clean tapered joint. If your stock is walnut, then you use walnut for the addition. Make a 1:6 taper or so, CLEAN AND ACCURATE, and fit a larger-than-needed addition. Glue it carefully, and...
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    Guy Fawkes Mississippi Lead Fling

    Wannabe, next time there or be hungry. piper
  16. I

    Guy Fawkes Mississippi Lead Fling

    Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble...y'all piper
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    Guy Fawkes Mississippi Lead Fling

    yup, same here.
  18. I

    Something in the skies that shouldn't be their

    Wannabe, i tried that. I had to sit on top of a 6-ft foling ladder, right up by the ceiling before i got any relief. Stick with the foil hat. Falling off the ladder is no fun. piper
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    Another old Benjamin

    Hey, mosportsman.....sure it can be elegant and look " proper " when complete......drop me a PM if you want. piper
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    Another old Benjamin

    Well, it's time to talk, I guess. I did a little trading this week and got a single owner 1963 Benjamin Model 312 pumper. It is all brass and on a nice Walnut stock. It didn't hold air or shoot when i got it, and the previous owner ( who paid $8.75 for it new! ) told me he had shot a...