Hey all, need a wee favor | SouthernPaddler.com

Hey all, need a wee favor


Well-Known Member
Just so you all know, the book will be out in paper, 6x9 inch standard size, glossy cover and all. It will then follow in Kindle version for folks who just don't buy paper anymore. There are advantages and disadvantages either way. When i travel, my Kindle has over 400 books on it (mostly freeeee, by the way), great stuff in a variety of subjects and i can make any of them larger or smaller fonts from tiny to huge, instantly. And, yes, i agree, there is something satisfying about a paper book and a red pen to mark it up with.

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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
islandpiper said:
Just so you all know, the book will be out in paper, 6x9 inch standard size, glossy cover and all.<SNIP>
I'm hoping for paper - but I didn't want the glossy stuff. The flat finish is more useful for where I keep books. :wink:

Piper San, I can't remember how many I ordered before, but try 4 ea.