It's been too long since I've been in the boat. Had a double hernia surgery 11 months ago and had to nurse that for a few months. I got a bit lazy and out of shape after that.
Got to the landing at my old hometown a little after daylight.
Went upcurrent (Ha!) about a half mile to an oilfield canal. This is a shot of the typical shoreline. Not very conducive to getting in and out of a kayak.
It's usually either that or this. Sawgrass.
You don't want to bully your way through this stuff. Think.....a couple of hundred paper cuts.
Paddled up the canal to where a pipeline crossed it and found some thistles. Haven't eaten any in 30 years. Didn't know them by any other name but "chadron" until I was a teenager. They taste similar to celery, but milder and sweeter. The young, light green ones about as big as your finger are the best. I brought a handful home, after CAREFULLY taking the stickers off.[
More later
Got to the landing at my old hometown a little after daylight.

Went upcurrent (Ha!) about a half mile to an oilfield canal. This is a shot of the typical shoreline. Not very conducive to getting in and out of a kayak.

It's usually either that or this. Sawgrass.

You don't want to bully your way through this stuff. Think.....a couple of hundred paper cuts.
Paddled up the canal to where a pipeline crossed it and found some thistles. Haven't eaten any in 30 years. Didn't know them by any other name but "chadron" until I was a teenager. They taste similar to celery, but milder and sweeter. The young, light green ones about as big as your finger are the best. I brought a handful home, after CAREFULLY taking the stickers off.[

More later